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1. Formation du contrat – validité de l`offre - opposabilité 2
1 Formation du contrat validit de l offre opposabilit a Les pr sentes conditions g n rales nomm es ci apr s les CG r gissent les modalit s de mise disposition et de maintenance du logiciel OmniPro nomm ci apr s le Logiciel fourni par la SA MIMS ci apr s MIMS ses clients ci apr s le Client b Les CG sont un l ment essentiel du contrat et leur applicabilit a t une condition de sa formation En cons quence il ne pourra y tre d |
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VaLID: Visualization and Phospholipid Identification a
VaLID Visualization and Phospholipid Identification a glycerophospholipid m z based prediction database User guide Version 2 0 0 Developed by Graeme S V McDowell Alexandre P Blanchard and Nico Valenzuela as part of the Canadian Institute of Health Research CIHR Training Program in Neurodegenera tive Lipidomics Citations Blanchard AP McDowell GSV Valenzuela N Xu H Gelbard S Bertrand M Slater GW Figeys D Fai S Bennett SAL 2013 Visualization and Phospho |
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List of SLMP-compatible Equipment Validated to Operate with the
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1 4 Issue No GOT A 0085 Title List of SLMP compatible Equipment Validated to Operate with the GOT2000 Series Date of Issue July 2015 Relevant Models GOT2000 Series Thank you for your continued support of Mitsubishi Graphic Operation Terminal GOT This bulletin provides information on SLMP compatible equipment validated to operate with the GOT2000 series For the production status and specifications of each product contact t |
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one Bill Validator with 2500 Banknote Cashbox
With 2500 Bill Cashbox Part 1 Operational Manual j CashCodef oniel A division of CRANE CRANE PAYMENT SOLUTIONS one Bill Validator with 2500 Banknote Cashbox Part 1 Operation Manual Revision 0 The information contained here in is the property of Crane CashCode co and is not to be disclosed or used without the prior written permission of Crane CashCode Co This copyright extends to all the media in which this information may be preserved including |
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–1 I La seguente dichiarazione è valida se la targhetta indicante il
90 10183F30 La seguente dichiarazione valida se la targhetta indicante il numero di serie del fuoribordo reca il marchio CE nell angolo inferiore sinistro Questo motore fuoribordo fabbricato dalla Mercury Marine presso la sede di Fond du Lac Wisconsin USA o dalla Marine Power Europa Inc Park Industriel de Petit Rechain Belgio conforme ai requisiti delle seguenti direttive e standard e delle relative rettifiche Direttiva per imbarcazioni da diporto 94 25 CE st |
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D9.1: 1st Report on system validation & evaluation
SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME EH 9 1 1 REPORT ON SYSTEM VALIDATION amp EVALUATION Grant Agreement number Project acronym Project title Funding Scheme Deliverable title Version Responsible partner Dissemination level Due delivery date Actual delivery date Project coordinator name amp title Project coordinator organisation Fax E mail Project website address ICT 248307 PRESEMT Pattern REcognition |
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Validación de la prueba nacional de pesquisa de trastornos de
Art culo original Aclaraci n de intereses este trabajo ha sido realizado me diante el apoyo de la O rgani zaci n Panamericana de la Sa lud OPS OMS a trav s del Programa Subvenci n para Tesis de Posgrado en Salud P blica y de la Comisi n Na cional Asesora para la Inte graci n y Promoci n dela Per sona con Discapacidad 1 Hospital Nacional de Pedia tr a Prof Dr Juan P Garrahan HNPJG Servicio de Crecimiento y D esarrollo Adscripto del Se |
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Appendices to the Guidelines for Validation & Qualification
Appendices to the Guidelines for Validation amp ualification including Change Control for Hospital Transfusion Laboratories This document contains the appendices to the BCSH guidelines on validation and qualification which is available to download from www bcshguidelines com British Committee for Standards in Haematology Address for correspondence BCSH Secretary British Society for Haematology 100 White Lion Street London N1 9PF e mail bcsh b s h org uk Writin |
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Sanyo Validation user manual
Validation Services SA0YO lt CD CL CD i h o 3 SEAMLESS INTEGRATION OF VALIDATION amp TECHNICAL SUPPORT _ ULTRA LOW FREEZERS CRYOGENIC FREEZERS PHARMACEUTICAL REFRIGERATORS INCUBATORS AUTOCLAVES IQ OQ PQ Factory acceptance testing Qualification of critical utilities NIST traceable calibration Customized validation protocols Onsite protocol execution Commissioning of equipment Sanyo warranty service coverage |
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ValidatorPRO e ValidatorPRO-NT
ValidatorPRO e ValidatorPRO NT Manuale utente www jdsu com know 1 2 O 7 8 9 IMTOGUZIONE ae ae 1 1 1 Funzionalit del ValidatorPRO 3 1 2 Validato rP RON Tit tc 3 Informazioni sul ValidatorPRO 5 2 14 Caratteristiche principali nenne 5 2 2 Caratteristiche dell unita remota 9 2 3 Contenuto del kit ValidatorPRO ValidatorPRO NT1150 |
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Validation de la traduction de l`inventaire d`épuisement
Validation de la traduction de l Inventaire d puisement professionnel de Maslach et Jackson GUYLAINE DION et R JEAN TESSIER Universit Laval R sum Cette tude porte sur la validation d une traduction en langue fran aise de l Inventaire d puisement professionnel de Maslach et Jackson MBI aupr s de deux chantillons qu b cois de 260 ducatrices en garderie et de 123 infirmi res Les indices de consistance interne de stabilit temporelle d |
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Fiches descriptives des outils validés et/ou normés en franco
Fiches descriptives des outils valid s et ou norm s en franco qu b cois pour l valuation du langage et de la parole de 1980 2014 Laura Monetta et tous les membres de l axe 4 du REPAR R seau provincial de recherche en r adaptation adaptation REPAR Regroupement strat gique 4 m canismes explicatifs et interventions en communication Auteur de correspondance Laura Monetta Ph D Universit Laval D partement de r adaptation Facult de m decine |
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Electronic Validation Application (EVA Plus) User Manual 2015-16
QUEENSLAND HOSPITAL ADMITTED PATIENT DATA COLLECTION QHAPDC Statistical Collections and Integration Department of Health EVA Plus User Manual Document information Version v3 Published by Statistical Collections and Integration Health Statistics Branch Health Commissioning Queensland Department of Health Phone 07 323 41484 Email QHIPSMAIL health qld gov au Approved by Rod Leeuwendal Manager Statistical Collections and Integration Date July 2015 |
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EaziVal SE User guide - Solutions for Thermal Validation, Process
QMF 40 EaziVal SE Software User Manual Sept 2010 Issue 2 LETETT CUltuagy m a Al EaziVal SE Version SE Build date 07 02 2010 14 20 Windows 2000 PF Anville Instruments Lid 2007 Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp EaziVal SE Software User Manual QMF40 Sept 2010 Issue 2 Manual written And Compiled by A Gillespie LCGI amp J Stutters Anville Instruments Ltd Bramble Orchard 46a Folly Lane North Farnham Surry GU9 0OHX Enq |
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User Manual - Autoclaves Service, Repairs and Validation
uaz C lasse B User Manual CE 0459 EN IS 13485 Rev 02 12 2007 C gt QUAZ Class B PAGE 2 SATELEC ACTEON GROUP USER MANUAL INDEX 1 INTRODUCTION 3 6 1 1 General Warnings 3 1 2 Technical characteristics 4 1 3 Warranty 4 1 4 Unpacking 5 1 5 Standard Accessories 5 6 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 6 7 2 1 Front view 6 2 2 Front view open door 6 2 3 Rear view 7 3 INSTALLATION START UP 7 10 3 1 Installation 7 8 3 2 Electrical connection |
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Operativa Modelos a cambiar y validosVF_EDELRID 3-2013
EDELRID y RETIRADA PREVENTIVA DE LOS SETS DE V A FERRATA CON FRENO DE CUERDA DE EDELRID A la luz de completas pruebas en sets de v a ferrata usados la industria del alpinismo ha constatado que los sets usados de v a ferrata con freno de cuerda pueden fallar en caso de ca da Las pruebas han mostrado que en caso de ca da los valores de fuerza de impacto pueden ser elevados En combinaci n con la reducci n de la resistencia de los brazos el sticos debido al uso puede pr |
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FASI DUE SR LINEA FUOCO VIA ROMAGNA N 33 620 0 MORROVALLE ME TEL 39 0733221241 FAN 29 07334445059 CALDAIA A PELLET ELEKTRA MANUALE D USO E MANUTENZIONE Gentile Cliente Desideriamo ringraziarLa per avere preferito nel suo acquisto una caldaia di ns produzione Siamo certi di averle fornito un prodotto tecnicamente valido Qui di seguito Le diamo alcuni chiarimenti in modo che possa conoscere ed usare tale prodotto al meglio nonch provvedere all or |
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Termo de Garantia (válido solamente en territorio brasileño/ Valid
Termo de Garantia v lido solamente en territorio brasilefio Valid only in Brazil A DOCOL solu es para o planeta gua produz metais sanit rios com alta tecnologia design moderno e com perfeito acabamento Assegura ao consumidor garantia de 10 dez anos contra eventuais defeitos de fabrica o sendo que a responsabilidade do fabricante restringe se somente substitui o do componente ou produto Esta garantia aplicada a partir da data de aquisi o comprovada at |
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Test-Um VALIDATOR-NT NT955 user manual
Validator IMT NETWORK CABLING CERTIFIER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS We Make It BEST in the USA Validator NT955 POWER Congratulations You have just purchased the world s most advanced Speed and Performance Certifier Your Validator NT is designed to give you years of reliable service with reasonable care Remember these important Care Points Re charge the lithium ion batteries nightly Lithi |
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Methods for Validation and Testing of Software
Jan Jacobson Bengt Johansson Ed MID Software Work Package 2 Methods for Validation and Testing of Software Revision 29 September 2004 2 MID Software WP2 Testing and Validation www mid software org Abstract The European Commission has issued a directive for measuring instruments The Measuring Instruments Directive contains the essential requirements for measuring instruments used for legal purposes Since many measuring instruments contain software these |
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