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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
Vysis® LSI® BCR/ABL Dual Color, Dual Fusion
Vysis LSI BCR ABL ES Dual Color Dual Fusion Translocation Probe Set Es 20 Ensayos BCR ABL Dual Color Dual Fusion Translocation REF 08L 10 001 B8L103 56 7361 R1 Clave de los s mbolos utilizados REF N mero de referencia LOT N mero de lote IVD Para uso en diagn stico Fecha de caducidad in vitro 0 Almac nese a una Consulte las instrucciones E Abbott temperatura inferior o igual de uso a 20 C i EC REP Representante aut |
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Engine color, things are not always Blue.
Engine color things are not always Blue Nothing makes me happier then seeing beautifully restored Comets and Cyclones anytime and anywhere And when the owner pops the hood and you find everything is restored and painted as if this Comet is factory fresh well that s just icing on the cake But wait a minute it s a Ford isn t it Aren t Ford engines painted Blue Engine color has long been a topic of controversy with Ford and Mercury owners and restorers And beau |
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Color, True and Apparent, Low Range
Color True and Apparent Low Range DOC316 53 01252 Platinum Cobalt Standard Method1 2 3 Method 8025 LR 3 to 200 units Scope and Application For water wastewater and seawater Equivalent to NCASI method 253 and NCASI Method Color 71 01 for pulp and paper effluent using 465 nm requires pH adjustment 1 Adapted from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and National Council for Air and Stream Improvement NCASI Methods Manual 2 Adapted from Wat |
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Estomac - Accueil, Oncolor, réseau de soins en cancérologie
REFERENTIELS Estomac o o o Ce r f rentiel dont l utilisation s effectue sur le fondement des principes d ontologiques d exercice personnel de la m decine a t labor par un groupe de travail pluridisciplinaire de professionnels des r seaux r gionaux de canc rologie du Grand Est regroupant les r seaux ONCOLOR Lorraine CAROL Alsace et ONCOLIE Franche Comt conform ment aux donn es acquises de la science au 12 octobre 2010 Ce r f rentiel fera l objet d une |
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hp LaserJet quick reference service guide, color, volume III
hp LaserJet quick reference service guide color service volume IlI hp color LaserJet quick reference service guide volume III March 2004 edition 2004 Copyright Hewlett Packard Development Company LP Reproduction adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited except as allowed under copyright laws The information contained herein is subject to change without notice The only warranties for HP products and services are |
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Vysis LSI PML/RARA Dual Color, Dual Fusion
Vysis LSI PML RARA Dual Color Dual Fusion Translocation Probe Set E CE es Vysis LSI PML RARA Dual Color Dual Fusion Translocation 01N36 020 B1N363 34 9378 R1 IVD c Abbott EC REP Clave de los s mbolos utilizados REF N mero de referencia LOT Producto sanitario para uso en diagn stico in vitro 20 C Almac nese a una 1 temperatura inferior o igual a 20 C Representante autorizado Fabricante legal |
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AJOG - Généralités, Oncolor, réseau de soins en cancérologie
REFERENTIELS Ad nocarcinomes de l oesophage et de la jonction oeso gastrique Ce r f rentiel dont l utilisation s effectue sur le fondement des principes d ontologiques d exercice personnel de la m decine t labor par un groupe de travail pluridisciplinaire de professionnels des r seaux r gionaux de canc rologie du Grand Est regroupant les r seaux ONCOLOR Lorraine CAROL Alsace et ONCOLIE Franche Comt conform ment aux donn es acquises de |
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8. |
INDUSTRIAS QUIMICAS EUROCOLOR S A Barrio de Aguirre n 5 48480 ARRIGORRIAGA BIZKAIA Tfno 946710399 Fax 946711362 e mail oficina Mpinturaseurocolor com ORFA ER 1213 2000 D 07 02 2 Fecha ltima revisi n Junio 2 013 FICHA T CNICA ORFAMIN EP SHOP PRIMER Imprimaci n anticorrosiva oxido de hierro N40105101 fosfato de cinc APLICACIONES Inhibe de la corrosi n impermeabiliza y protege cualquier material f rreo sometido a una atm sfera qu |
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9. |
AENOR INDUSTRIAS QUIMICAS EUROCOLOR S A Barrio de Aguirre n 5 48480 ARRIGORRIAGA BIZKAIA Tfno 946710399 Fax 946711362 e mail oficina pinturaseurocolor com ORFA ER 1213 2000 D 07 02 2 Fecha ltima revisi n Junio 2 013 FICHA T CNICA ORFADUR S D INCOLORO ENDURECEDOR TRANSPARENTE N 40602000 Recubrimiento Epoxi 100 s lidos para la protecci n de pavimentos de hormig n Imprimaci n para pavimentos Almacenes en general |
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