Bausch & Lomb Telescope 95-0010/03-01 User Guide


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1. Bausch & Lomb Telescope 95-0010/03-01 User Guide

Lit 95 0010 03 01 amp L0MB Tbormaster TELESCOPES Congratulations on becoming the owner of the Bausch amp Lomb HARBORMASTER Telescope Following a few simple precautions for care will aid in the preservation of this fine instrument T fit 9 ar6ormaster T cCescope The HARBORMASTER Telescope is packed in four groups 1 Telescope 2 Cradle 3 Base 4 legs In addition you will find the connecting hardware 2 cradle screws 25 3 leg bolt

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Lit 95 0010 03 01 Ilomb 9terbormaster TELESCOPES Congratulations on becoming the owner of the Bausch amp Lomb HARBORMASTER Telescope Following a few simple precautions for care will aid in the preservation of this fine instrument The HarBormaster Tefescope The HARBORMASTER Telescope is packed in four groups 1 Telescope 2 Cradle 3 Base 4 legs In addition you will find the connecting hardware 2 cradle screws 25 3 leg bol
11. Bausch & Lomb Telescope 95-0010/03-01 User Guide

Lit 95 0010 03 01 amp L0MB Tbormaster TELESCOPES Congratulations on becoming the owner of the Bausch amp Lomb HARBORMASTER Telescope Following a few simple precautions for care will aid in the preservation of this fine instrument T fit 9 ar6ormaster T cCescope The HARBORMASTER Telescope is packed in four groups 1 Telescope 2 Cradle 3 Base 4 legs In addition you will find the connecting hardware 2 cradle screws 25 3 leg bolt
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