Clore Automotive PI15000X User`s manual


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1. Clore Automotive PI15000X User`s manual

SMLAR POWER INVERTERS User s Manual SONMC AS VI CLAIRE GDJE Includes information on SOLAR Model Nos PI5000X PI10000X PI15000X and PI20000X A WARNING Warning This product contains chemicals including Failure to follow instructions may cause lead known to the State of California to cause damage or explosion always shield eyes cancer birth defects and other reproductive harm Read entire instruction manual before use Wash hands after handling SOLAR

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12 24 Volt Power Supply amp Jump Starter Charge the unit for 24 hours through the built in charger upon opening the box charge after every use and charge before extended storage AWARNING Warning This product contains chemicals Failure to follow instructions may including lead known to the State of cause damage or explosion California to cause cancer birth defects always shield eyes Read entire and other reproductive harm instruction manual before use Wash hands afte
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CARSTART by SMLAR CS1000 Portable Jump Starter with 12 Volt Power and LED Flashlight Your CarStart Jump Starter is engineered and manufactured to provide years of reliable operation Please read and understand this owner s manual and the owner s manual of any vehicle being jump started before using your CarStart Please keep this manual for future use AWARNING Failure to follow instructions may cause damage or explosion always shield eyes Read entire instr
6. Clore Automotive PI15000X User`s manual

SMLAR POWER INVERTERS User s Manual SONMC AS VI CLAIRE GDJE Includes information on SOLAR Model Nos PI5000X PI10000X PI15000X and PI20000X A WARNING Warning This product contains chemicals including Failure to follow instructions may cause lead known to the State of California to cause damage or explosion always shield eyes cancer birth defects and other reproductive harm Read entire instruction manual before use Wash hands after handling SOLAR
7. Clore Automotive 12 Volt Power Supply & Jump Starter JNCXF Instruction manual

JNCAIR JUMP STARTER POWER SOURCE AIR COMPRESSOR Thank you for purchasing the best jump starter unit on the market Your unit has been equipped with special features to make the jump starting process easier To ensure trouble free use please remember to recharge the unit for 24 hours at least every 3 months during the winter and monthly during the summer Charge the unit for 24 hours through the built in charger upon opening the box charge after every use and charge befor
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S LAR PI1500X Power Inverter User s Manual reataring FFIDAPEESION AWARNING a ZOJ Failure to follow instructions may cause damage or explosion always pS liea shield eyes Read entire instruction manual before use Warning This product contains chemicals including lead known to the State of California to cause cancer birth defects and other reproductive harm Wash hands after handling Congratulations You have just purchased the fines

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