Bayliner 245 Specifications


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1. Bayliner 245 Specifications

BAYLINER 245 Cruiser Owner s Manual Supplement Engine Serial Number Hull Identification Number Hull Identification Number e The Hull Identification Number HIN is located just below the deck gunnel at the starboard aft corner of the boat e Record the HIN and the engine serial number in the space provided above e Include the HIN with any correspon dence or orders BOARDING LADDER HIN LOCATION 2011 Bayliner Technical Publications All ri

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BAYLINET 245 Owner s Manual Supplement Engine Serial Number Hull Identification Number Hull Identification Number e The Hull Identification Number HIN is located on the starboard side of the transom e Record the HIN and the engine serial num bers in the space provided above e Include the HIN with any correspondence or orders HIN LOCATION 2003 Bayliner Technical Publications All rights reserved No part of this publication may b
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