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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
Building Taxonomy of Web Search Intents for Name Entity Queries
WWW 2010 Full Paper April 26 30 Raleigh NC USA Building Taxonomy of Web Search Intents for Name Entity Queries Xiaoxin Yin Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way Redmond WA 98052 xyin microsoft com ABSTRACT A significant portion of web search queries are name entity que ries The major search engines have been exploring various ways to provide better user experiences for name entity queries such as showing search tasks Bing search and showing |
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Taxonomy collaboration - User Guide 1.1
AA JE n e e ejo e SM An Australian Government Initiative n YO e err espe Standard Business Reporting STANDARD BUSINESS REPORTING TAXONOMY COLLABORATION ENVIRONMENT YETI USER GUIDE Purpose This document describes step by step instructions in the use of the SBR taxonomy collaboration environment Yeti version 2 8 Contact SBR Service Desk SBRServiceDesk sbr gov au 1300 488 231 Standard Business Reporting Program Yeti User Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS D |
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NTSYSpc Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate
NTSYSpc Numerical Taxonomy and M ultivariate Analysis System Version 2 1 User Guide F James Rohlf D epartment of Ecology and Evolution State U niversity of N ew Y ork Stony Brook NY 11794 5245 gt mu EXETER SOFTWARE 47 Route 25A Suite 2 Setauket N ew York 11733 2870 Information in this document is subject to change The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement single user or site license The software may be used or |
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A taxonomy and comparison of haptic actions for disassembly tasks
A Taxonomy and Comparison of Haptic Actions for Disassembly Tasks Aaron Bloomfield Yu Deng Jeff Wampler Pascale Rondot Dina Harth Mary McManus Norman Badler University of Pennsylvania Center for Human Modeling and Simulation Air Force Research Laboratory Deployment and Sustainment Division AFRL HES 3GE Global Research aaronb cis upenn edu Abstract The usefulness of modern day haptics equipment for vir tual simulations of actual maintenance actions i |
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