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1. |
service manual segmentation system
SERVICE MANUAL SEGMENTATION SYSTEM Model MS930A MS930E MS940A MS940E MS950A MS950E MS960A MS960E MS970A MS970E Centron Technologies Corporation SERVICE MANUAL SEGMENTATION SYSTEM Model MS930A MS930E MS940A MS940E MS950A MS950E MS960A MS960E MS970A MS970E No CAT MS950SM1 1Ee ISSUE 2 DEC 2005 Centron Technologies Corporation 319 25 Sadang 4 dong Dongjak ku Seoul 156 823 KOREA Tel 82 2 522 7807 Fax 82 2 522 7806 Website www centrons co |
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Etude d`une méthode de segmentation basée sur les contours actifs
ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE PROMOTION X2001 BOUREZ Christopher RAPPORT DE STAGE D OPTION SCIENTIFIQUE Etude d une m thode de segmentation bas e sur les contours actifs et la d composition en ondelettes d une image D tection de vert bres dans les images radiographiques m dicales NON CONFIDENTIEL D partement de Math matiques Appliqu es Traitement d images Directeur de l option Emmanuel Bacry Directeur de stage Val rie Perrier Dates du stage 10 mai 31 |
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Segmentation multiphase et multicanal par contours déformables
cole nationale sup rieures de physique de Strasbourg Jean Christophe Perles ENSPS 3A option ISPV Master ISTI sp cialit IRMC ENSPS Parc d innovation Bd S bastien Brant 67400 ILLKIRCH T l 03 90 24 45 10 Fax 03 90 24 45 45 ul UNIVERSIT LOUIS PASTEUR STRASBOURG M moire de stage dipl me d ing nieur Master M2 Segmentation multiphase et multicanal par contours d formables 31 Ao t 2008 ENST TSI 46 rue Ba |
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Replay device and method with automatic sentence segmentation
US007936884B2 a2 United States Patent 10 Patent No US 7 936 884 B2 Yen et al 45 Date of Patent May 3 2011 54 REPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD WITH 56 References Cited AUTOMATIC SENTENCE SEGMENTATION U S PATENT DOCUMENTS 75 Inventors Jui Yu Yen Kaohsiung TW Ming 5 231 239 A 7 1993 Tsumura et al 84 609 Hsiang Yen Kaohsiung TW Yi Chin 5 827 988 A 10 1998 Wachi cscs 84 609 Lin Fongshan TW 6 316 710 B1 11 2001 Lindemann ccss0 84 609 6 67 |
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Embedded Image Segmentation on an FPGA
A National University of Ireland Galway Brian Kinsella Embedded Image Segmentation on an FPGA B E Electronic amp Computer Engineering Supervisor Dr Fearghal Morgan April 2008 11 Declaration of Originality I declare that this thesis is my original work except where stated Date 111 Acknowledgements I Brian Kinsella would like to thank my project supervisor Dr Fearghal Morgan for his constant help and advice throughout the year His enthusiasm |
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La Segmentation des documents techniques en amont de l`indexation
La Segmentation des documents techniques en amont de l indexation d finition d un mod le OUERFELLI Tarek Institut Sup rieur de Documentation Campus Universitaire de la Manouba 2010 BP 600 Tunisie 1 Introduction Dans les syst mes documentaires classiques l utilisateur re oit le plus souvent les r f rences des documents et au mieux les documents primaires et c est lui de d pouiller le document pour juger s il r pond son besoin ou non Ainsi la demande d |
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MARS: Multiple Atlases Robust Segmentation
Software Release 1 0 1 Last updated April 30 2014 MARS Multiple Atlases Robust Segmentation Guorong Wu Minjeong Kim Gerard Sanroma and Dinggang Shen erwu mjkim gerard sanroma dgshen med unc edu Image Display Enhancement and Analysis IDEA Laboratory Department of Radiology and Biomedical Research Imaging Center BRIC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill NC 27599 1 Purpose A lot of medical imaging based studies demand accurate segment |
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VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual
VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual VAST Lite RC1 Daniel R Berger October 20 2014 il Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 5 2 1 System Requirements 5 2 2 Goa a Ra he Gee a 6 21 Try Th Out ee ors Sh a i 6 2 2 2 Preferences 0 2 ee ee ee 6 2 3 Additional Files Included With VAST 8 Working with VAST 9 |
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VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual
VAST Lite Volume Annotation and Segmentation Tool User Manual VAST Lite 1 0 Daniel R Berger July 30 2015 il Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 5 2 1 System Requirements e 5 2 2 PTOsTany Set p a a ia 6 221 Try Om AA Sh a 6 2 2 2 Preferences o ee ee 6 2 3 Additional Files Included With VAST 8 3 Working with VAST 9 3 1 Image Stack Importing o e 9 3 1 1 Importin |
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