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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Chikungunya - Molbio Diagnostics
cE Truenat Chikungunya Chip based Real Time PCR test for Chikungunya INTENDED USE Truenat Chikungunya REF 601060005 601060020 is a chip based Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction qRT PCR test for the quantitative detection and diagnosis of Chikungunya virus in human blood serum plasma specimen and aids in the diagnosis of infection with Chikungunya Truenat Chikungunya runs on the Truelab Uno Real Time micro PCR Analyzer INTRODUCTION |
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Packungsbeilage PACKB.FL WLAN 24
O Fijar la placa de montaje Atornille la placa de montaje sobre una su perficie de montaje plana en al menos dos puntos opuestos entre s p ej con tornillos avellanados DIN 84 M4 x 16 8 8 La distancia entre los taladros puede verla en el dibujo Montar el m dulo Coloque el m dulo desde arriba sobre la placa de montaje ya fijada Deslice el m du lo hacia abajo hasta que el borde superior de la placa de montaje cierre con el borde supe rior del m dulo A |
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www dmail it DMedia Commerce S p A Via Aretina 25 50065 Sieci FI ITALY Tel 39055 8363040 Fax 39 055 8363057 Assist Tecnica Tel 39 055 4206052 E mail assistenza dmail dmc it AD Mail Idee Utili e Introvabili MASSAGGIATORE KUNG FU IMPORTANTI MISURE DI SICUREZZA 1 Prima di usare questo prodotto consultate il vostro medico di fiducia e Se siete portatori di pacemaker o di altri dispositivi elettromedicali simili e Se siete affetti da malattie card |
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Folleto Notice du produit Packungsbeilage Package Insert
HEMOCHRON Jr Whole Blood Microcoagulation Systems Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time APTT Package Insert English INTENDED USE The HEMOCHRON Jr APTT is a unitized microcoagulation test intended for use in performing a quantitative one stage APTT The APTT test is used for evalua tion of low dose heparin anticoagulation up to 1 5 units ml of blood The APTT test is performed on the HEMOCHRON Jr Signature or HEMOCHRON Jr I instrument using a fresh whol |
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Kung-fu de dados Dado Kung Fu
Spielanleitung Instructions R gle du jeu Spelregels Instrucciones Istruzioni Kung Fu Dice Kung Fu Gang Kung fu strijders Kung fu de dados Dado Kung Fu Copyright HARAS Spiele Bad Rodach 2014 N o m c o O L Ein spannendes W rfel Memospiel f r 2 4 Kung Fu K mpfer von 6 99 Jahren Autor Benjamin Schwer Illustration Heinrich Drescher Spieldauer 10 15 Minuten Es ist wieder so weit Die besten K mp |
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User Manual of KungFu 3D controller
Contents WARNING AND DISCLAIMER oie ERE Do REFER ERE E OPE SER ba ER SR Er ES ERE EE S 2 TS INTERODUGCTION esi beri enhn at nene S the I onn o PME ID teenies 3 NOME WOC C ci e PM 3 t SOD SADC eR 3 ZMENSIPNOrLILQupdcc eer t T 3 S EPIIT 3 4 2D DAlaNCC c 4 5 2Dhead Iree Dalatiee ic eie eoe eoo io o eon oar ip ed |
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Montaje Atornille el m dulo sobre una superficie de montaje plana con dos tornillos p ej con tornillos cil ndricos DIN 84 M3 x 25 8 8 La distancia entre agujeros puede verla en el dibujo Par metros IP por defecto 1 TO a gt Direcci n IP por defecto 10 0 0 100 M scara de sub red por defecto 255 255 0 0 Conexi n de la tensi n de alimentaci n Alimente el dispositivo a 24 V CC Alimentaci n a 24 VCC Borne 1 DV Borne 2 24 VCC I |
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Folleto Notice du produit Packungsbeilage Package Insert
HEMOCHRON Jr Whole Blood Microcoagulation Systems Citrate Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time APTT Package Insert English For in vitro Diagnostic Use INTENDED USE The HEMOCHRON Jr Citrate APTT is a unitized microcoagulation test intended for use in performing a quantitative one stage APTT The Citrate APTT test is used for evaluation of low dose heparin anticoagulation up to 1 5 units mL of blood depending upon individual patient heparin sensitivity |
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Packungsbeilage PACKB.FL IF 2PSE-F
1 Montaje Conecte los m dulos de interfaz sobre los slots de los m dulos base Al hacerlo las placas gu a de la parte superior de los m dulos deben introducirse con cuidado y sin torcerlas en las ranuras gu a del m dulo base Deslice ahora los m dulos de inter faz perpendicularmente en direcci n al m dulo base hasta que el conector macho y la sujeci n hayan encastrado 2 Fijaci n de los m dulos de interfaz Fije el m dulo de interfaz con el tornillo que |
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Package Insert Packungsbeilage Prospecto
Ce HEMOCHRON Whole Blood Coagulation Systems Protamine Dose Assay PDAO Package Insert English INTENDED USE The HEMOCHRON PDAO is designed for in vitro diagnostic protamine dose determination The PDAO is intended for use in the verification of heparin neutralization at the completion of cardiovascular surgery The kaolin activated PDAO assay may also be used for patients receiving aprotinin The HEMOCHRON PDAO should be used with established HEMOCHRON procedural |
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Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness © 2012 Viacom
nickelodeon Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness 2012 Viacom International Inc Important Tuning Information The various channel numbers which apply to your system are The TV s Foxtel channel is The video recorder s Foxtel channel is The TV s video channel is AV or Channel AV or Channel Channel Installer to tick AV if appropriate and write in channel numbers by hand Connection method used |
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Folleto Notice du produit Packungsbeilage Package Insert
HEMOCHRON Jr Whole Blood Microcoagulation Systems Low Range Activated Clotting Time AGT LR Package Insert English For in vitro Diagnostic Use INTENDED USE The HEMOCHRON Jr ACT IR is a quantitative assay for monitoring heparin anticoagulation during various medical procedures The ACT LR demonstrates linear correlation to the anticoagulation effects of heparin up to 2 5 units ml of blood It is intended for use in monitoring low to moderate heparin doses fre |
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folleto notice du produit Packungsbeilage Package Insert
Ce HEMOCHRON Jr Whole Blood Microcoagulation Systems Prothrombin Time PT Package Insert English For in vitro Diagnostic Use INTENDED USE The HEMOCHRON Jr PT is a unitized microcoagulation test intended for use in performing a quantitative one stage prothrombin time The PT testis performed on any HEMOCHRON Jr model using a fresh whole blood sample Each instrument is portable and is intended for bedside use The instrument is not intended for home use |
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