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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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FURUNO INSTALLATION MANUAL VHF RADIOTELEPHONE FM 8500 This manual provides the information necessary Table of Contents Page for the installation of the FURUNO FM 8500 VHF Radiotelephone For best performance 1 System Configuration 1 please follow the recommended procedures 2 Equipment Lists 2 3 Mounting 8 4 Connections 14 5 Initial Settings 21 Outline Dra |
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manuale di installazione ed utilizzo radiotelescopio
PRIMALUCE MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE ED UTILIZZO RADIOTELESCOPIO SPIDER230 VERSIONE 1 1 Aggiornamento 28 07 2014 Questo strumento realizzato da PrimaLuceLab iSrl via Roveredo 20 b 33170 Pordenone Italia Per qualsiasi questione relativa all uso assistenza e garanzia consultate gli indirizzi forniti nei relativi documenti PrimaLuceLab iSrl a Via Roveredo 20 B 33170 Pordenone a www primalucelab com PrimaLuceLab iSrl Manuale Radiotelescopio Spider230 |
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woo doys yorx assng Aq papo OPERATOR S MANUAL MARINE VHF RADIOTELEPHONE MODEL FM 2721 FURUNO ELECTRIC LTD NISHINOMIYA JAPAN PRINTED IN JAPAN FURUNO ELECTRIC CO LTD 9 52 Ashihara cho Nishinomiya Japan Telephone 0798 65 2111 Telefax 0798 65 4200 All rights reserved X Printed in Japan a ie PUB No OME 56163 HIMA FM 2721 Your Local Agent Dealer FIRST EDITION MAR 2000 D MAY 12 2 |
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SAILOR 6300 MF/HF Radiotelex
SAILOR SAILOR 6300 MF HF Radiotelex V 0 GMDSS Scanning te RADIOTELEX l t eee Message m 7 4 lt gt e P 1y Thrane amp Thrane SAILOR 6300 MF HF Radiotelex User manual Document number 98 132519 B Release date October 27 2011 Disclaimer Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the accompanying documentation is disclai |
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airports authority of india fire order – 07 basic radiotelephony
AA amda faa urferas AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA FIRE ORDER 07 Year of Revision 2010 BASIC RADIOTELEPHONY PROCEDURE amp PHRASEOLOGY AMENDEMENTS From time to time amendments will be issued to this FIRE ORDER No 7 To maintain a correct and up to date copy of the Fire Order it is important that instructions given in amendment notices are carried out Amendment No Date Amended By whom amended 1 2 |
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FURUNO RADIOTEL FONO MARINO DE VHF FM 2721 Gu a del operador El prop sito de esta Gu a del operador es proporcionar los procedimientos b sicos de utilizaci n de este equipo Para obtener informaci n m s detallada consulte el Manual del operador S S Al Lep Earpiece Oman Alarm LED Keys PTI PTT Switch O O Loudspeak |
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RADIOTELÉFONO BLU FS-5070 Guía del operador
EF U R U N O RADIOTEL FONO BLU FS 5070 Gu a del operador El prop sito de esta Gu a del operador es proporcionar los procedimientos b sicos de utilizaci n de este equipo Para obtener informaci n m s detallada consulte el Manual del operador Cambio a pantalla de Escritura de Activaci n desactivaci n Presentaci n de radiotel fono mensajes TX DSC de interfono pantalla SCAN id kig kia Conmutaci n de modos ACKnowledge DSC Encendido apagado d |
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Noto User Manual 32 m Antenna Version 1 Elena Cenacchi Alessandro Orfei Francesco Schillir Karl Heinz Mack e cenacchi ira inaf it THE RADIOTELESCOPE Last update 11 September 2006 Index 1 INTRODUCTION 82 2 nen 5 2 ANTENNA STRUCTURE sssssssssesseenn nennen menn nnns amena annnm 7 2 3 Primary reflectors o rere y a Ep vn ii ei nenn 7 2 2 Quadrupod and secondary reflector sess emen 8 DL WODDIIAG A en ee RE da 9 2 3 Polnting |
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OPERATOR S MANUAL MARINE VHF RADIOTELEPHONE _Mopet FM 2721 D FURUNO ELECTRIC LTD NISHINOMIYA JAPAN PRINTED IN JAPAN FURUNO ELECTRIC Co LTD 9 52 Ashihara cho Nishinomiya Japan Telephone 0798 65 2111 Telefax 0798 65 4200 All rights reserved Printed in Japan PUB No OME 56163 HIMA FM 2721 Your Local Agent Dealer FIRST EDITION MAR 2000 E FEB 22 2002 00080897300 |
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Medicina User Manual 32 m Antenna Version 1 Elena Cenacchi Alessandro Orfei Karl Heinz Mack Giuseppe Maccaferri e cenacchi ira inaf it THE RADIOTELESCOPE Last update 20 April 2006 Index 1 INTRODUCTION nini ee ehr 5 2 ANTENNA STRUCTURE 7 2 Azim th rall vid 7 2 2 Primary reflector noie dw GY a 7 |
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Radiotelephone for automatically dialing remotely programmed
United States Patent Higuchi et al US005276729A 1 Patent Number 5 276 729 45 Date of Patent Jan 4 1994 54 RADIOTELEPHONE FOR AUTOMATICALLY DIALING REMOTELY PROGRAMMED NUMBER UPON CALL TERMINATION AND WITHOUT USER OPERATION 75 Inventors Masayuki Higuchi Norcross Stephen Hardin Snellville both of Ga Otake Kodama Japan 73 Assignees Oki Telecom Suwanee Ga Oki Electric Ind Ltd Tokyo Japan 21 Appl |
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Relazione annuale 2009 - Leggi e informazione radiotelevisiva
O ESCI Autorit per le garanzie Z nelle comunicazioni Relazione Annuale sull attivit svolta e sut programmi di lavoro 2009 Autorit per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni Presidente Corrado Calabr Componenti Nicola D Angelo Giancarlo Innocenzi Botti Michele Lauria Gianluigi Magri Stefano Mannoni Roberto Napoli Enzo Savarese Sebastiano Sortino Segretario generale Vice segretario generale Roberto Viola Antonio Perrucci Capo di gabinett |
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