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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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BLA TEM PINTURAS DESCRIPCION Pintura antical rica a base de resinas de silicona PROPIEDADES El stica No escama ni agrieta Buena adherencia sobre acero Resistente a la temperatura 600 C Buena resistencia al exterior APLICACIONES Recubrimientos resistentes a la temperatura 600 C Estufas chimeneas tubos de escape de gases carcasas de motores etc CARACTERISTICAS TECNICAS Color Aluminio Aspecto Mate Densidad 1 1 0 |
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Datenblatt Aussenläufer Generator
Doku 32_099 Maurer Elektromaschinen Version ja Date n blatt Ruederstrasse 6 FR R 5040 Sch ftland u a Ladeger t LiFePO4 Tel 41 082 721 44 84 WZ utor au Fax 41 0 62 721 44 85 Maurer 54 75V 25A info maurelma ch ee hinen I www maurelma ch Picokraftwerke Generatoren Batterien Ladeger te Wechselrichter Specification of Battery Charger 48V 25A 15cells of LIFEPO4 BATTERY CHARGER Aluminum Case Subject to |
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HALO360+ Ablation Catheter Model 32041-XX
HALO Ablation Catheter Model 32041 XX INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE CAUTION Federal USA Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a Physician BARRX Medical Inc 540 Oakmead Parkway Sunnyvale CA 94085 USA Telephone 888 662 2779 408 328 7310 Facsimile 408 738 1741 INDICATED USE The HALO Ablation Catheter is indicated for use in the coagulation of bleeding and non bleeding sites in the gastrointestinal tract including but not limited to the esophagus In |
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Blat User Manual
Blat User Manual Compiled By Mark E Donaldson Description Blat is a Public Domain Win32 console utility that sends the contents of a file in an e mail message using the SMTP protocol Blat is useful for creating scripts where mail has to be sent automatically To use Blat you must have access to a SMTP server via TCP IP Blat can store various default settings in the registry The command line options override the registry settings Input from the console STDIN can be used inst |
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MINIBIKE 2,5 - Blata
3 Manufacturer Address Product Model Derived types EC Declaration Of Conformity Blata s r o Prazska 9 678 01 Blansko Czech Republic Minibike MINIBIKE BLATA MINIBIKE BLATA 2 5 MINIBIKE BLATA 2 6 MINIBIKE BLATA STYLE 60 MINIMOTARD BLATA 2 5 MINIMOTARD BLATA 2 6 The undersigned hereby declares on behalf of BLATA s r o that the above referenced product to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the provisions of Council Dir |
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KSM-1000 RFM Redhurtle Datenblatt EN
Redhurtle KSM 1000 RFM KeySonic touch the difference Sa RRP 29 99 inc vat vio English ales SPECIAL FEATURES e Wireless 2 4 GHz laser mini mouse in sporty design e Dramatically metallic red coating with matt black noticeably gentle SoftSkin coating on both sides e Ergonomic compact universal construction for right and left handers with 3 keys functionality incl 4 ways scroll wheel e Far ranging amp reliable radio frequency transmission at 2 4 GH |
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Blanco - Pinturas Blatem
L Fichas T cnicas EN Evoluci n Constante OG a D Ctra Mas a del Juez 36 46909 TORRENT Valencia SPAIN TEL 34 961 550 073 FAX 34 961 573 720 E mail blatem blatem com vis tenos en www blatem com ANTE VELADURA DESCRIPCION Pintura especial tixotr pica muy poco cubriente al agua formulada en base a la ltima tecnolog a en alta decoraci n para ofrecer su excelente acabado PROPIEDADES Original efecto decorativo gran resistencia |
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COBLATOR II Surgery System
gt K smith amp nephew COBLATOR II COBLATION System COBLATOR II Surgery System Depth um COBLATOR Il surgery system Operating modes Smith amp Nephew COBLATION products are designed to operate in both ablation and coagulation modes which result in different tissue effects Coblator II ArthroCare Ablation mode As the Controller settings increase from 1 to 9 in the COBLATION mode the performance of the Wand transit |
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765...+EB_ E-Line(Blatt 1)
H 0 d a W E E LEX NW A RI we e a Montageanleitung Mounting instructions Instructions de montage Istruzioni di montaggio Instrucciones de montaje Montagehandleiding 765 EB ED 769 EB ED UR E14 l 283 502 XI 09 d g AS E gt TRILUX GmbH amp Co KG Postfach 1960 D 59753 Arnsberg Tel 49 0 29 32 301 0 Fax 49 0 29 32 301 375 infolatrilux de www trilux de D K CD gt Hinweis Beachten Sie die Hinweise und Montage |
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DAIKIN COMANDO A DISTANZA CABLATO MANUALE D INSTALLAZIONE Assicurarsi di leggere il presente manuale d installazione prima di realizzare l installazione del prodotto Indice dei capitoli Manuale d installazione 1 Indice dei capitoli 1 Precauzioni per la sicurezza 2 I e I 4 3 Procedura d installazione del comando a 4 4 Funzioni e voci del |
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EPT-1000 XP™ – Système d`ablation cardiaque
EPT 1000 XP Syst me d ablation cardiaque La technologie d ablation d aujourd hui et de demain Boston Scientic EP TECHNOLOGIES EPT 1000 XP Syst me d ablation cardiaque Caract ristiques et B n fices e L utilisation de haute fr quence jusqu 150 watts permet aux cath ters munis d lectrodes distales larges gt 4 mm de cr er des l sions plus volumineuses e Les mesures de la temp rature et de l imp dance avant et pendant l abl |
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Sistema di sicurezza cablato
Sistema di sicurezza cablat OMNI 400 OMNI 400EU Manuale Utente SYSTEM READY el N a fa o ioj fl IN 0 10 0 BYPASS OOOO A RCA 2573 233 FBIKO gt FIRE BURGLARY INSTRUMENTS INC N9980V1 IT 9 01 rev 150102 Documento reperibile in www fbii it OMNI 400 600 Indice Manual |
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Datenblatt Ladegerät 57.4V 6A Li-Ion
Maurer Elektromaschinen Doku 32_113 Datenblatt Eeen amp nan oes m 57 4V GA fox saone 721 4005 Maurer i lon a www maurelma ch Brennstoffzellen Generatoren Batterien Ladeger te Wechselrichter Specification of Battery Charger KP 400AL KP 400AL series LITHIUM BATTERY CHARGER Aluminum enclosure Seite 1 von 5 Doku 32 113 Maurer Elektromaschinen EN Version b Daten blatt Rue |
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Colores - Pinturas Blatem
00602710100066 file W PENDIENTE DE PUBLICAR PARACESER ft 006027101 SN SUN NV ar BLA TEM PINTURAS DESCRIPCION Tintes concentrados para colorear todo tipo de pinturas al agua y al disolvente Gran poder de tinci n y fuerza colorante as como facilidad para la mezcla APLICACIONES Cuando se desea colorear cualquier tipo de pintura al agua vin licos acr licos etc y al disolvente esmaltes sint ticos de todo tipo nitrocelul sicos etc |
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NUNCA BLA O e TEM PINTURAS DESCRIPCION Barniz de poliuretano incoloro brillante o satinado para la protecci n de superficies contra las pintadas graffitis Uso profesional PROPIEDADES Larga duraci n Exento de amarilleo Facilidad de aplicaci n Adherente e impermeable F cil mantenimiento ya que no acumula suciedad Facilita la eliminaci n de pintadas APLICACIONES Protecci n de superficies de ladrillo piedra revoques esc |
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SOFTPRO Technisches Datenblatt - Technical
Grr Product Overview THE SIGNATURE PROFESSIONALS E Signing Solu Join the Green Initiative today diyn betor bittoat papes a y Reports Contracts Withdrawals Transactions Account Openings and much more Electronic Signatures with SignPad amp SignDoc cost effective high level of proof self explanatory Don t put your savings into the shredder Stop shredding your earnings Paper is expensive Why bother printing |
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00602820800210 file W PENDIENTE DE PUBLICAR PARACESER ft 006028208 BLA TEM PINTURAS BLATPRIMER SINTETICA DESCRIPCION Imprimaci n anticorrosiva alc dica de secado al aire para uso en superficies de hierro PROPIEDADES Elevado rendimiento y facilidad de aplicaci n as como buen secado cubrici n y poder anticorrosivo APLICACIONES Para la protecci n frente a la oxidaci n de toda clase de superficies de hierro verjas ventana |
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blatemplas masilla plastica descripcion
Sus V vV azi ON O RA Os gt LR ES S DESCRIPCION Producto en base acuosa formulado especialmente para masillar PROPIEDADES Facilidad de aplicaci n secado r pido blancura f cil y r pido lijado APLICACIONES Para tapar grietas y peque os agujeros en superficies de yeso hormig n madera arcilla etc as como para afinar e igualar superficies CARACTERISTICAS TECNICAS Color blanco Blancura buena Adherencia buena |
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PR E E Amministarzione Provinciale di Catanzaro ISTITUTO TECNICO STATALE PER GEOMETRI Lamezia Terme CZ PROGRAMMA OPERATIVO NAZIONALE Ambienti per l apprentimento FESR 2007 2013 IT 16 1 PO 004 2007 IT 16 1 PO 004 Asse Il Qualit degli ambienti scolastici Obietiivo C incrementare la qualit delle infrastrutture scolastiche l ecosostenibilt e la sicurezza degli edifici scolastici potenziare le strutture per garantire la paretecipazione delle per |
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z Fichas T cnicas Evoluci n Constante Ctra Mas a del Juez 36 46909 TORRENT Valencia SPAIN TEL 34 961 550 073 FAX 34 961 573 720 E mail blatemOblatem com visitenos en www blatem com BLATEMDELFIN BASE SISTEMA TINTOMETRICO DESCRIPCION Pintura plastica mate de excelente cubrici n para interiores y exteriores excepto fachadas formulada con la mas avanzada tecnolog a en copol meros acr licos estirenados en emulsi n y con pigmentos y cargas de m |
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