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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
Assertion Language manual - Bound
Bound T time and stack analyzer Bound T Assertion Language Issue 6 5 TR UM 003 2013 11 30 Tidorum Ltd Tidorum Ltd www tidorum fi Tiirasaarentie 32 FI 00200 Helsinki Finland This document then a part of the Bound T User Manual was written at Space Systems Finland Ltd by Niklas Holsti Thomas Langbacka and Sami Saarinen The document is currently maintained at Tidorum Ltd by Niklas Holsti Copyright 2005 2013 Tidorum Ltd This document can be copied and distrib |
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VAssert Programming Guide
E vmware Technical Note VAssert Programming Guide Workstation 6 5 This document introduces VAssert an easy to use API that helps you investigate the behavior of applications running on virtual machines after the applications run Although VAssert was designed with debugging in mind you can also use it to study performance and use patterns after the fact VAssert allows you to insert replay only code into your applications incurring minimal performance overhead at runt |
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Parallel Assertion Processing using Memory Snapshots
Parallel Assertion Processing using Memory Snapshots Junaid Haroon Siddiqui Muhammad Faisal Iqbal Derek Chiou The University of Texas at Austin iqbal jsiddiqui derek ece utexas edu Abstract Assertions are valuable in producing quality soft ware but some assertions like those checking data structure invariants are costly by nature The authors of this paper propose that costly assertions be queued up for later execution by a free processor The state of data is preserv |
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Manual de Instalación Vulcan - Christiani Wassertechnik GmbH
f El sistema antical electr nico Sin sal Sin mantenimientos Sin productos qu micos Tecnolog a Alemana MAPE 1N f i a 100 sin magnetismo GERMANY Preguntas y respuestas C mo hago para escoger el tama o adecuado para el equipo Primero compruebe el di metro del tubo en el rea donde desea instalar Vulcan En seguida escoja el equipo dise ado para ese tama o En el caso de tuber as de cobre o PVC es necesario contar con una protecci n |
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Wassertester WA – 300
Wassertester WA 300 Mode d emploi Copy right by CL Electronics GmbH RELEVEUR DE PURETE DE L EAU RELEVEUR DES CONDITIONS DE L EAU CONTENUS 1 G N RAL ET PRINCIPAL 2 SP CIFICATIONS 3 DESCRIPTION DU PANNEAU FRONTAL 3 1 Display 3 2 Bouton allumage arr t 3 3 Si ge de la batterie Couvercle 3 4 Poign e de la sonde 3 5 T te du releveur 4 APPLICATIONS 5 PROC DURE DE MESURAGE 5 1 Contr le des conditions du filtre 5 2 Contr le de la conductivit |
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6. |
SISTEMAS PROFESIONALES PARA LA LIMPIEZA EN COCINAS CLEAN SAFE EFFICIENT Assert Glasor DETERGENTE LAVAVAJILLAS MANUAL Assert Glasor es un detergente lavavajillas l quido concentrado de uso manual para la limpieza de ollas vajilla cristaler a y todo tipo de menaje de cocina Indicado para todo tipo de aguas elimina las grasas y el aceite F cil de aclarar Assert Glasor se seca r pidamente dejando las superficies limpias rea de aplicaci n para una limpieza m |
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