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QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Titer Immunoassay Kit
Product Manual QuickTiter Adenovirus Titer Immunoassay Kit Trial Size Catalog Number VPK 109 T 20 assays FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY Not for use in diagnostic procedures CELL BIOLABS INC Creating Solutions for Life Science Research Introduction Recombinant adenoviruses have tremendous potential in both research and therapeutic applications There are numerous advantages they provide when introducing genetic material into host cells The permissive host cell ra |
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Information Qualité Immunoanalyse Système d
Se ECKMAN 2 COULTER Information Qualit Immunoanalyse Ao t 2006 IPCA CD 1046 Syst me d Immunoanalyse Unicel DxI 800 Access Solution de Lavage Wash Buffer R f rence 8547197 Lots num ros 221208F 221262F Madame Monsieur Notre maison m re nous informe que suite un r cent changement de conditionnement de la solution de lavage Wash Buffer le nouveau flacon pr sente un goulot qui peut tre plus long que sur les anciens mod les Dans ce cas la s |
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Disponibilite d`immunoglobulines anti-VRS
CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES SOCI T CANADIENNE DU SANG Disponibilit d immunoglobulines anti VRS Lettre aux clients n 2004 17 Le 24 septembre 2004 Madame Monsieur La pr sente lettre a trait aux deux produits suivants de Medmmune Synagis P palivizumab RespiGam immunoglobuline intraveineuse humaine contre le virus respiratoire syncytial Disponibilit pour la saison du VRS 2004 2005 La soci t Medimmune a annonc la Soci t canadienne du sang |
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Automated Immunohistochemical Staining-Bond
Ip Pacific Pathology Associates Inc Clinical Histology Procedure histo13 01 Automated Immunohistochemical Staining Utilizing the Bond Ill Instrument Final Approval October 2010 Effective October 2010 Next Review Date February 2013 List all stakeholder s and dates of approval Stakeholder Name s Shelly Siegel HT Date 9 21 10 Reviewed _ Revised x Stakeholder Name s Mark Magilner MD Date 10 4 2010 Reviewed x Revised _ Stakeholder Name s She |
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mLabs® ImmunoMeter
mLabs mmunoMeter Users Manual For Health Care Professional Use Only MICRDOZOINT Contents igiigere eis ee ee ne ee ee ee ee eee pg 2 ta How to Use this Manual 12 Introduction 1 2 1 The mLabs ImmunoMeter Components 1 2 2 Diagram of mLabs ImmunoMeter 13 Specifications 1 4 Warnings Precautions and Limitations 139 Symbols and Explanations Installation and Configuration cccccccce eee eee eee pg 7 Pi Instrument Set Up 2 1 1 Conn |
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ImmunoCAP ECP Conjugate 50
ImmunoCAP ECP Conjugate 50 Fluoroenzymeimmunoassay Directions for Use 52 5239 EN 07 INTENDED USE ImmunoCAP ECP is an in vitro test system for the quantitative measurement of Eosinophil Cationic Protein ECP in human serum ImmunoCAP ECP Conjugate 50 is intended to be used with the instrument Phadia 250 and Phadia 1000 SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION OF THE TEST It is Known that eosinophilia is associated with a variety of inflammatory disorders including allergic disease Asthma |
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Linearity FD Immunoassay Abbott Architect i Series
ss MicroControls Linearity FD Immunoassay Abbott Architect i Series ce 0086 Aalto Scientific Ltd MDSS GmbH 1959 Kellogg Ave Schiffgraben 41 Carlsbad CA 92008 REP 30175 Hanover USA Germany ENGLISH INTENDED USE The Linearity FD Immunoassay Abbott Architect i Series is assayed quality control material consisting of two sets of five levels of human and bovine serum albumin Each level of the Abbott Architect i Linearity Set 1 contains the following analytes CEA |
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cGMP Direct Immunoassay Kit (Colorimetric)
BioVision cGMP Direct Immunoassay Kit Colorimetric Catalog K372 100 100 assays Store at 20 C Introduction Adenosine and guanosine 3 5 cyclic monophosphate cAMP and cGMP are important second messengers involved in many physiological processes BioVision s CGMP Direct Immunoassay Kit provides a direct competitive immunoassay for sensitive and quantitative determination of cGMP level in biological samples The kit utilizes the recombinant Protein G coat |
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Immuno 4 - Natur Import
AS Mint e Health Laboratories La sant au naturel Da Saaga E EE Immuno 4 HE Modulador de la inmunidad natural inmun 4 y de la vigilancia inmunitaria Stimulant Complemento alimenticio a base de shiitake extractos homeo PM compatibles y elixires florales del Dr Bach HE Boite de 30 g lules contenant 220mg ml de produits actifs BOLoGIU INGREDIENTES Shiitake en polvo 95 Mezcla de extractos dinamizados homeocompatibles 2 Vinagre d |
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for Chemi luminescence Immunoassay System
User for MS IIM MS II Chemi luminescence Immunoassay System Modified Date12007 2 1 Software Version 1 0 0 Signs User s Guide Company s Address Issue Date LEH IVD In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Caution Storage Temperature esi Mark of Communities of European an fN Help Take safety precaution measures in case there is hazardous biologic waste Po Explanation Warning |
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ImmunoComb OVINE BRUCELLA ANTIBODY TEST KIT INSTRUCTION MANUAL SUFFICIENT FOR 300 ASSAYS I INTENDED USE This kit is designed to determine sheep serum IgG antibody titers for Brucella melitensis IL WHAT IS THE ImmunoComb Assay The ImmunoComb is a self contained portable kit A sensitive test which detects antibody levels in the blood or serum the ImmunoComb provides results within 40 minutes II HOW DOES THE ImmunoComb work E Based on a solid |
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QMS® Tacrolimus Immunoassay
OMS Tacrolimus Immunoassay 10015556 Lire attentivement cette notice avant toute utilisation du Quantitative Microsphere System QMS et suivre rigoureusement les instructions qui y figurent La fiabilit des r sultats de dosage ne pourra tre garantie en cas de non respect des consignes d utilisation pr sent es dans cette notice UTILISATION PREVUE Le dosage immunologique QMS Tacrolimus est destin d terminer la quantit de tacrolimus dans le sang total humain l |
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ImmunoCAP Specific IgG4
ImmunoCAP Specific IgG4 Fluoroenzymeimmunoassay Directions for Use 52 5259 EN 08 INTENDED USE ImmunoCAP Specific IgG4 is an in vitro test system for the quantitative measurement of antigen specific lgG4 antibodies in human serum and plasma ImmunoCAP Specific lgG4 assay is to be used with the instrument Phadia 100 It is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in conjunction with other clinical findings and is to be used in clinical laboratories as well as physician office la |
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manuale operativo tecniche immunoematologiche
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- IMMUNODEF XII - Annar Diagnóstica Import
STA IMMUNODEF XII Plasma inmunoadsorbido para la determinaci n cuantitativa del factor XII e Kit de 6 viales REF 00315 CE Abril 2011 Espa ol 6 1 UTILIZACI N DEL KIT El STA ImmunoDef XII es un plasma inmunosuprimido destinado a ser utilizado en pruebas para los aparatos de la l nea STA que pueden utilizar este reactivo para determinar la actividad del factor XII factor de Hageman en el plasma Estas pruebas requieren la inclusi n de plasma |
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ELISA PLATE READER - DIAsource Immunoassays
User Manual ELISA PLATE READER ELISA PLATE READER DIA2000 Version 3 400A DIA oe DlAsource ImmunoAssays S A Rue du Bosquet 2 B 1348 Louvain La Neuve BELGIUM Phone 32 10 84 99 11 Fax 32 10849990 www diasource be lVDInstrumentation support diasource be Version 150511 PI number 1701327 IVD CE Page 1 of 117 User Manual ELISA PLATE READER TABLE OF CONTENTS LGENERAE EN FORMATION scisessseusidvinssitecaDenaivina A NAAA AA AA 5 1 1 |
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Cillit -IMMUNO 181 - 241 - 421
Cillit IMMUNO 181 241 421 Dosatore proporzionale di polifosfati in polvere prodotto da dosare Cillit 55 M H Universal Apparecchiatura ad uso domestico per il trattamento di acque potabili realizzata in conformit al D M 25 12 e D M 174 04 Istruzioni di montaggio e servizio La societ si riserva il diritto di modifica ai propri prodotti Vi ringraziamo per la fiducia accordataci acquistando un apparecchiatura Cillit Cillit gp Cil |
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ProcartaPlex Multiplex Immunoassays
B affymetrix eBioscience ProcartaPlex Multiplex Immunoassavs For research use oniv Not for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures Using Magnetic Beads For serum plasma and cell culture supernatants North America Technical Support Research Products 888 810 6168 858 642 2058 tech eBioscience com Clinical Products 877 726 8559 858 642 2058 tech eBioscience com Customer Service 888 999 1371 858 642 2058 info eBioscience com Fax 858 642 204 Instructio |
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SHBG-ELISA - DIAsource Immunoassays
DA Ge CE SHBG ELISA KAPD2996 DIAsource ImmunoAssays S A Rue du Bosquet 2 B 1348 Louvain la Neuve Belgium LOT 130819 1 SHBG ELISA KAPD2996 IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE DlAsource ImmunoAssays SA Rue du Bosquet 2 B 1348 Louvain la Neuve Belgium Tel 32 10 84 99 11 Fax 32 10 84 99 90 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1 Intended Use The DlAsource SHBG ELISA is an enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative in vitro diagnostic measurement of SHBG in serum and heparin |
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Immunohistochemical Detection With Quantum Dots
2 Immunohistochemical Detection With Quantum Dots Rizwan S Akhtar Cecelia B Latham Dario Siniscalco Carlo Fuccio and Kevin A Roth Summary Quantum dot QD conjugates have many immunohistochemical applications The optical excitation emission and photostable properties of QDs offer several advantages over the use of chromogens or organic fluorophores in these applications Here we describe the use of QD conjugates to detect primary antibody binding in fixed tissue |
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