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13 10 2009 Supplemento ordinario n 187 alla GAZZETTA UFFICIALE Serie generale n 238 DECRETI DELIBERE E ORDINANZE MINISTERIALI MINISTERO DELLO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO DECRETO 13 agosto 2009 Elenco riepilogativo aggiornato delle norme nazionali che traspongono le norme armonizzate europee in materia di apparecchi a gas di cui alla direttiva 90 396 CEE IL MINISTRO DELLO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO DI CONCERTO CON IL MINISTRO DELL INTERNO Vista la legge 6 dicemb |
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Junior 24 CAI - Certificazione Energetica
Junior MURALI 24 C A ISTANTANEE aoue INSTALLATORE N peretta Il clima di casa La caldaia Junior 24 C A I conforme ai requisiti essenziali delle seguenti Direttive Direttiva gas 90 396 CEE Direttiva Rendimenti 92 42 CEE Direttiva Compatibilit Elettromagnetica 89 336 CEE Direttiva bassa tensione 2006 95 CEE DL311 0694 pertanto titolare di marcatura CE 0694BT1921 INDICE MANUALE INSTALLATORE 1 AVVERTENZE E SICURE |
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EN-US - Getinge Infection Control
REFERENCE CUSTOMER 400HC E amp 500HC E SERIES GRAVITY amp VACUUM GRAVITY STEAM STERILIZERS FOR HEALTHCARE APPLICATIONS PRODUCT SPECIFICATION PRODUCT Both the 400HC E Series and 500HC E Series Sterilizers consist of two models The 422HC E and 522HC E Gravity Steam Sterilizers employ only gravity downward displacement with positive pulse conditioning of loads The 43833HC E and 533HC E are combination vacuum gravity steam sterilizers that employ either pressur |
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RetireNow v. 2001.01 User Manual
RetireNow Software and User Manual Version 2001 01 Copyright 2001 ScenarioNow Inc All Rights Reserved August 20 2001 ScenarioNow Inc 4920 East State Street Suite 1C Rockford IL 61108 Telephone 815 227 4144 or 866 272 3627 Fax 815 397 4536 E mail info scenarionow com Sales inquiries sales scenarionow com Web address www scenarionow com Brentmark Software 3505 Lake Lynda Drive Suite 212 Orlando FL 32817 8327 Telephone 1 800 879 6665 or 40 |
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manuel d`utilisation et d`entretien
MANUEL D UTILISATION HEMA MANUEL D UTILISATION ET D ENTRETIEN Version R0814P1 FAUTEUIL DE PR L VEMENT HEMA IBIOM Instruments Lt e 1065 rue du Pacifique suite 403 Sherbrooke Qu bec J1H 2G3 T l 450 678 5468 e Fax 450 445 9837 info ibiom com IBIOM MANUEL D UTILISATION HEMA TABLE DES MATI RES 1 MESURES DE S CURIT 3 2 GARANTIE VIE LIMIT |
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Syracuse University NetID Activation
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY SUMMER COLLEGE COMPUTER ACCESS INFORMATION You need SU computer access to be able to e Use your SU email account which SU mandates you must monitor while you are a student e Use campus computer clusters e Obtain class assignments and post class work to Blackboard e View your schedule grades registration holds and active address information New students You must activate your SU NetID and password to access SU computer systems email Blackboard persona |
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World Marketing of America KOZY-WORLD KWN121 user manual
Kozy World INFRARED VENT FREE NATURAL GAS SPACE HEATER OWNER S OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUAL KWN109 KWN111 KWN121 Table of Contents Important Safety Information 2 Product Features 3 Proper Ventilation amp Fresh Air 4 Installation 6 Operating Your Heater 10 Cleaning amp Maintenance 13 Trouble Shooting 14 Specifications 17 Parts List 18 A WARNING If the information in this manual is not followed exactly a fire or explosion may result causing prop |
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AZUL DE METILENO SOLU O ALCO LICA SOMENTE PARA DIAGNOSTICO IN VITRO Marca QEEL Finalidade Produto somente para uso in vitro Produto para colora o de bact rias lcool cido resistentes em esfrega os de material colhido em reas diversas como cavidades pun o ganglionar escarro concentrado de urina e outros Principio As chamadas micobact rias bacilo da tuberculose e lepra possuem grande quantidade de lip deos cido mic lico |
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MINUTES OF THE PRE BID MEETING OF DIGITIZATION OF INFORMATION FOR VOICE BASED KIOSKS HELD ON 9 APRIL 2012 AT 3 30 PM UNDER THE CHAIRPERSONSHIP OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Mr D K Sikri The list of panellists and prospective bidders who attended the bid meeting on Digitization of information for voice based kiosks is at Annex 1 and 2 respectively BACKGROUND The Project Manager Access to Justice for Marginalized People outlined the purpose of the R |
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super kappa (11/2005) - Certificazione Energetica
MANUALE TECNICO IT Super KAPPA 70 85 A BIASI Super KAPPA IT Questo apparecchio risultato conforme alla direttiva 90 396 CEE e pertanto ammesso all uso del marchio CE E inoltre risultato conforme alla direttiva 87 308 CEE relativamente alla prevenzione ed eliminazione dei radiodisturbi Questo apparecchio costruito in conformit alla vigente norma europea riguardante la sicurezza degli apparecchi a gas e alla vigente norma europea riguardante la s |
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Manuel d`utilisation et d`entretien User and maintenance manual
D Manuel d utilisation et d entretien D User and maintenance manual gt Whiflp ol INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANTES SUR LA S CURIT VOTRE S CURIT AINSI QUE CELLE D AUTRUI EST PARTICULI REMENT IMPORTANTE Le pr sent manuel contient d importants messages relatifs la s curit qui figurent galement sur l appareil Nous vous invitons les lire soigneusement et les respecter en toute circonstance Ceci est le symbole de danger relatif la s curit l met |
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Unoisetion+Quadrupole RF Vacuum +Bipolar+
Tel 86 15012486303 Fax 86755 8636 8550 Email sales mychway com Http www mychway com Add RM406 F4 6 Bldg zhongxin Industry city Chuangye Rd Nansha Distr Shenzhen China 518054 Unoisetion Quadrupole RF Vacuum Bipolar Quadrupole Sextupole 3D RF Slimming Spa Model YH 5302 U MN OISETIO mN 7 Part one Introduction 1 1 unoisetion cavitation principle Unoisetion Cavitation 2 0 is offering a new treatment which we believe can potentially replace traditiona |
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NanoSync IV Low Profile Marketing Brochure - FEI
NanoSync IV Low Profile PN ane ote gt J gt gt Military Grade Position Navigation Timing PNT amp Frequency Reference System With SAASM GPS gt e Suitable for Fixed Ground Mobile Airborne and Maritime Systems gt e Flexible Choice of SAASM Receivers for Specific Applications e Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator OCXO for Very Low Phase Noise and Best In Class Allan Deviation on Frequency Outputs e High Precision Time amp Frequency |
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MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE - Certificazione Energetica
MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE COLLETTORI SOLARI CSP21 CSP25 IMPORTANTE Leggere attentamente le istruzioni e le avvertenze contenute nel presente manuale in quanto forniscono importanti indicazioni riguardanti i collettori solari COLLETIORI SOLARI A CIRCOLAZIONE FORZATA loben Indice 1 Presentazione 1 4 Documentazione 1 2 Fornitura 1 3 Dati Tecnici 2 Gamma 3 Caratteristiche tecniche 3 1 Dati tecnici colletore solare 3 2 Dimension |
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Dometic Air Conditioner 39626.501 User Guide
M Dometic RECORD THIS INFORMATION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE BEFORE INSTALLING THE UNIT Model Number _ Serial Number_ Date Purchased _ Place of Purchase_ USA SERVICEOFFICE Dometic Corporation 2320 Industrial Parkway Elkhart IN 46516 574 294 2511 CANADA Dometic Corporation 46 Zatonski Unit 3 Brantford ON N3T 5L8 CANADA 519 720 9578 For Service Center Assistance Call 800 544 4881 SELF CONTAINED AIR CONDITIONER amp HEAT PUMP FOR RECREATIONAL VEHICL |
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Notice de montage, d`utilisation et d`entretien
Notice de montage d utilisation et d entretien HADEF Palan manuel cha ne S rie 8 12 5 52 181A 00 02 04 Rev 04 AIDE ne Information 3 REMARQUE Pour les appareils non mont s vous trouverez les instructions d installation dans le chapitre Montage par Heinrich de Fries GmbH Heinrich de Fries GmbH Gauss Str 20 D 40235 D sseldorf Heinrich de Fries GmbH sera d sign e sous le nom de HADEF Notice originale en allemand Traduction de la n |
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NetIntegrator User
im INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGIES INC NET INTEGRATOR User Manual Version 3 72A 601 0001 07 This device complies with IEC60950 1999 3rd Edition CSA C22 2 No 60950 00 UL 60950 2000 3 Edition Federal Communications Commission FCC Compliance Information Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for either Class A or Class B digital devices refer to Requirements Compliance pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These |
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FOTOPROTECCIÓN - Cosmetica de Hoy
a 4 LA ROCHE POSAY LABORATOIRE DERMATOLOGIQUE Fotoprotecci n E 1 Porque sus f rmulas son nicas AI E UVB UVA Visible IR mans Di xido de Titanio Pantalla frente al espectro solar UIMICOS UVA L FILTROS Q A UVB PROTECCION UVA REFORZADA EE E MEXORYL XL Nuevo sistema filtrante patentado MEXOPLEX Agua Termal de La Roche Posay Selenio Extracto de Senna alata PROTECCION DESEQUILIBRADA LA ROCHE POSAY LABOR |
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Direitos Humanos, Uma paixão Refletida
DIREITOS HUMANOS Uma Paix o Refletida Mateus Afonso Medeiros DIREITOS HUMANOS Uma Paix o Refletida Rede de Cidadania Mateus Afonso Medeiros RECIMAM 1 edi o Belo Horizonte 2006 a 2006 Rede de Cidadania Mateus Afonso Medeiros A reproduc o total ou parcial desta obra permitida desde que sem objetivos comerciais e com citac o integral da fonte 1 edi o 2006 Organizadoras Maria L cia Miranda Afonso Elza Maria Miranda Afonso Diagramador |
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TREINAMENTO JACTO SPRAYER CONTROL 4100 5000 AQUIN M QUINAS AGR COLAS JACTOS A JSC 4100 e JSC 5000 Os computadores JSC 4100 e JSC 5000 tem o funcionamento id ntico ao JSC 4000 Segue abaixo resumo dos novos computadores JSC 4100 O JSC 4100 um computador para funcionar com o comando de pulveriza o a cabo O comando de pulveriza o a cabo tem os segmentos e a fun o al vio r pido por cabo com sensores para indicar ao computado |
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