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Hoefer SQ33 Sequencer
manual Hoefer SQ33 Sequencer Includes Fan Sensor Kit um SQ33 IM Rev B0 03 13 Ayo e f e r Page finder important Information aaa sa otra aule L Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE sees eee ee eee IX 1 5033 Function and Description 1 ee e 2 3 SQ33 Operating Instructions ir 4 4 Installation and Operation of the Fan Sensor Ki li 5 5033 Care and Maintenance 111111111 13 6 Customer Service I |
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Hoefer SE1210 Gel Drying Frame
usen manual Hoefer SE1210 Gel Drying Frame For air drying gels um SE1210 IM Rev HO 08 12 A AHoeter Page finder 1 Gel Drying Frame function Unpacking sissioni Assembly nsss 2 INSHPUCHIONS aaa yana anaa Prepare the gel for drying 3 Gel Drying Stack Assembly 4 Drying GelS ccceceeeeeee Air Drying ccccecceeeeeen eee After Gels are Dry 5 Care and maintenance Cleaning sasaka aa sawan Changing the Gasket 6 |
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Hoefer Multiple Gel Casters
eo manual Hoefer Multiple Gel Casters SE215 SEZ35 anu SE275 um SE215 IM Rev L0 08 12 A Atio e fe r Contents 1 Multiple Gel Caster function 2 AJ npaeklligsa2 docs cioe eorura see ce eae 3 Assembly ssesicec es e enean anh Pang Ee RR RR Prepare the gel caster ss Construct the gel sandwich stack and load into caster cer e Prepare the monomer solution Stacking gel preparation |
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Hoefer® HE 100 SuperSub - GE Healthcare Life Sciences
SuperSub Function and Description The Hoefer HE 100 SuperSub Submarine Electrophoresis Unit electrophoreti cally separates nucleic acid fragments in agarose gel The technique is simple and sensitive and by varying the agarose concentration fragments over a large size range can be separated Fragments stained with ethidium bromide can be easily visualized under UV light All gels are 20 cm wide Gel casters for three lengths 15 20 and 25 cm are available Gel thicknes |
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Hoefer SE400 / SE410
uale utente Italiano Hoefer SE400 SE410 Le Strudier verticali elettroforesi lastre su gel di unit mu SE400 IM Italian Rev C0 06 12 A4 O e fe r Indice Informazioni Importanti naa a tat ii Rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche RAEE psi samaaana saamaan mannaa naamaan vii 1 Unit funzionale e descrizione 1 Inventario Anmotated iria aa 4 SPECIFICAZIONI rale 6 2 Istruzioni per L USO iaia 7 3 Cu |
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Hoefer SE300 miniVE
ual do su rio Portugu s Hoefer SE300 miniVE Mini vertical unidade de electroforese em gel m SE300 IM Portuguese Rev C0 06 12 H O e fe r Conte do Informa es Importantes AAA ji Residuos de Equipamentos El ctricos e Electr nicos REEB vii Introdu o ary wd R AA a s 1 Desempacotando azammazsan ss senaagaasiaesusdens naa aa mamak 2 ESPECITICACOGS spririt cra arar 3 O m dulo de EISCTroforese vussa awa ai v 4 ElC |
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Hoefer DALT System - GE Healthcare Life Sciences
80 6431 50 Hoefer DALT System DALT Electrophoresis Tank DALT Gradient Maker DALT Multiple Gel Caster DALT Blotting Kit User Manual Rev A 12 98 Amersham Biosciences Important User Information E Please read this entire manual to fully understand the safe English and effective use of this product user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying the instrument The exclamation mark wi |
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Hoefer UVC 500 Ultraviolet Crosslinker
manual blotting equipment Hoefer UVC 500 Ultraviolet Crosslinker transilluminator um UVC500 IM Rev F0 04 04 Ato e fe r Page finder UV Crosslinker function and description 1 Unpacking 2 Specifications oci met 3 Important safety information 4 Operating instructions 5 Energy setting i ol rua e es d 6 Time setting |
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Hoefer SE400 / SE410
Du do su rio Portugu s Hoefer SE400 SE410 As Sturdier verticais eletroforese em gel de laje unidades m SE400 IM Portuguese Rev C0 06 12 A Au O e f e r Conte do Informa es Importantes AAA ji Residuos de Equipamentos El ctricos e Electr nicos REEB vii 1 Fun o da unidade e descriga0 1 Invent rio Anotada vicio 4 ESDECITICACOES sas ss sitar sanaan saunaan maana crea rie 6 2 Instru es de |
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Hoefer UVC500
ual do usuario Portugu s Hoefer UVC500 Ultravioleta Crosslinker mu UVC500 IM Portuguese Rev GO 12 12 H O e fe r Conteudo Informa es le ie L Residuos de Equipamentos El ctricos e Electr nicos REEE sanerersee asses vill Fun o Crosslinker UV e descrigao 1 1111111 1 o A A 2 Gelee 3 Informa es importantes sobre seguran a 4 INSiru ES GS ODENA O serca sacada GA 5 Configura o E MESTA vicio sne 6 Configura |
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PS600 - Hoefer Inc
O ual do usu rio Portugu s PS600 Fonte de alimentac o mu PS600 IM Portuguese Rev A 04 13 H O e fe F Conte do Informa es ImportanteS lt cccssrrr ii Res duos de Equipamentos El ctricos e Electr nicos REED cocos vil Informa es Importantes ao Usu rio viii Fun o de alimenta o e descric o 1 DESC PACO A RN RIR E 0 3 jaksi oleje deer 4 Vis o Geral dos Par metros ee 5 Opera o d fonte |
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Hoefer™ TE 22
manual TE 22 Hoefer TE 22 tank transfer unit um TE22 IM Rev E0 08 04 H O e fe F Page finder Transfer Electrophoresis Unit function and description 1 Specifications socio 2 Important information 4 Operating instructions 6 and maintenance 12 Troubleshooting Seve cde a dada tu es 13 Electrotransfer notes 15 B |
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Hoefer PR648
eo manual blotting Hoefer PR648 Slot blot manifold i 1 jt f e Ades me um PR648 IM Rev F0 08 12 Ato e fe r 9 Page finder L ouireTe rode e 1 SPECHICAL ONS iae ee eur a trav e o ena 2 Procedure for standard use of the Hoefer PR648 essssssseeeee mee 3 Setting up the Hoefer PR648 Applying your samples aee cene Removing your DIOE esee secessit ri 5 Care and malint marce ea cicius tento er eri seen 6 Troubleshoo |
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Hoefer HB1000
Ba utente Italiano Hoefer HB1000 Ibridazione Forno mu HB1000 IM Italian Rev D0 12 12 Hoefer Indice INFORMAZIONI IMPORMARt ucraina maana naam L Rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche RAEE anne pcia vili so Pro A A A 1 00 e Le TEE 3 SE TUD ISUUZION garden ara kanoe Gegen Aer 4 PS PU PO SKJ US Gautama due ad t 6 Cura MANUTENZIONE sanaci n 10 Servizio clienti informazioni nennen 10 Tecniche di ibridazione |
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15. |
Hoefer SE250
Qu do su rio Portugu s Hoefer SE250 Mini vertical unidade de electroforese em gel m SE250 IM Portuguese Rev B0 05 12 H O e fe r Conte do Informa es Importantes Au ii Residuos de Equipamentos El ctricos e Electr nicos REEB vii 1 Gel de eletroforese Fun o e Descri o 1 ee 2 3 Instru es de opera o aaa aaa aaa A AAAA ciias 4 4 Cuidados e Manutenc o nee 14 5 Solu o de problemas AAA 15 |
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Hoefer SG500
OD rana Hoefer SG500 Gradient maker um SG500 IM Rev E0 08 12 Ayo e fe r Page finder SG500 instructions 1 nennen 1 1 Generating linear gradients unne 2 Pouring gradients from the top nnn enn 4 Pouring gradients from the bottom 5 2 Generating convex and concave exponential PNAC SMES sich een anne ae nee AEE 6 To generate an exponential gradient 7 3 Care and maintenaNC ssi airesin 9 A Ordering information |
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Hoefer SQ33 Sequencer
Que utente Italiano Hoefer SQ33 Sequencer Include Kit Sensore Fan mv SQ33 IM Italian Rev B0 03 13 Atto e fe r o Indice Informazioni Importanti ii Rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche RAEE cpl cai ix 1 SQ33 Funzione e Descrizione rbbg 1 2 5033 SPECIE hE z asser ass 2 3 9033 Istruzioni per MUSO iii varas taman 4 4 Installation et d utilisation du Kit Capteur VentilateU cia 11 5 5033 Cura ma |
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Hoefer Vision Life Spectrophotometer User Manual
Hoefer Where Electrophoresis Gels Vision Spectrophotometer USER MANUAL Hoefer Where Electrophoresis Gels Declaration of Conformity This is to certify that the Vision UV Visible Spectrophotometers part numbers SP 2001 SP 2001PT SP 2001BL and SP 2001SD manufactured by Hoefer Inc conform to the requirements of the following Directives 73 23 EEC amp 89 336 EEC4 IVD Standards to which conformity is declared EN 61010 1 2001 Safety requirements fo |
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Hoefer SE600 Chroma
rana Hoefer SE600 Chroma Standard Dual Cooled Gel Electrophoresis Unit um SE600X IM Rev CO 04 12 Ad O e fe r e Contents Important Information Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE Gel Electrophoresis Unit Function and Description wawa aa aaa AAA iere el Unpacking and Inventonm Operating Insiruchons eee Prepare the Gel Sandwich Acrylamide GelS Gradient GelS REESEN EEN a sunan Sample Preparatio |
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Hoefer HE33 - Hoefer Inc
ual do usu rio Portugu s Hoefer HE33 Eletroforese mini submarino mu HE33 IM Portuguese Rev 10 07 12 H O e fe r Conte do Informa es ImportanteS 12 42422241411211 ii Res duos de Equipamentos El ctricos e Electr nicos REEE 1111111 vii Func o da unidade mini submarino eletroforese ecoiosesias soja damas 1 Desempacotando a awa awa PRA ciganas aaa pan 2 ESPECI ICACO Sicuani dow Kendra wl 2 Instru |
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