Rohde&Schwarz CTS55 Digital Radio Tester


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1. Rohde&Schwarz CTS55 Digital Radio Tester

Digital Radio Tester CTS Compact modular testers e Fastand precise measurements for service and adjustment Brilliant TFT colour display e Menus in six differentlanguages e Connectors for external monitor and keyboard to make opera tion even more convenient e Problem free upgrading of existing units for GSM900 1800 1900 e Measurements to GSM recom mendations e Quick test fast go nogo test e Versatile autotest e Manual test for exact fault location e Modu

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R amp S FSW Network and Remote Operation 10 Network and Remote Operation In addition to working with the R amp S FSW interactively located directly at the instrument itis also possible to operate and control it from a remote PC Various methods for remote control are supported e Connecting the instrument to a LAN network e Using the LXI browser interface in a LAN network e Using the Windows Remote Desktop application in a LAN network e Connecting a PC via the GPIB i
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Test amp Measurement emissions aati z PE utii AUH in W wld i wa ami Mn iNi ASAS Y nee Ye za ae cra TET w att yali AA 3 i wut aN Easy frequency selective measurement of EMF R amp S TS EMF EMF Measurement system At a glance In combination with Rohde amp Schwarz spectrum analyzers the R amp S TS EMF measurement system detects high frequency electromagnetic fields in the environment EMF The isotropic a
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00 70 anys01g JONpOg SS SSSSS w s SISOS ty SSS SS SS qa SK RRR SSSSSSSSSS AY _ SSI w s SSS sss sss SG SSS sx F ma i i a lt EK RS SW e SO a es SS SPH nnn O CL a w as featuring high reliability Compact modular amplifier family R amp S B BA 1 0 0 Even in its basic version the b HU 19 base unit includes a powerful system controller that c
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Operating Manual Z SIGNAL GENERATOR 9kHz 1 1 GHz D Odin m nx A OH Mim Hi Im IA ROHDE amp SCHWAR EEN md Ou d Y SON ee m ice Se A 7 4 0000000000 c 13 0 a j E P i 10000000000 GHz Offse i A M I Mi dee x 5 UOT d nnn gs SIGNAL GENERATOR R amp S SMLO1 R amp S SMVO03 1090 3000 11 1047 7509 13 R amp S SMLO2 1090 3000 12 R amp S SMLO3 1090 3000 13 Printed in Germany ROHDE amp SCHWARZ Test and Measurement Division

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