ML67Q5260 - Digi-Key


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1. ML67Q5260 - Digi-Key

L A P S FEDL67Q5260 02 SEMICONDUCTOR Issue Date Jul 2011 ML67Q5260 DFT Based Fingerprint Authentication LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML67Q5260 is a single chip LSI that executes fingerprint authentication without external memory by using the embedded fingerprint authentication accelerator This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses DFT Discrete Fourier Transform based algorithm licensed from Precise Biometrics and supports AuthenTec s slide sensors and certain

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1. ML67Q5260 - Digi-Key

L A P S FEDL67Q5260 02 SEMICONDUCTOR Issue Date Jul 2011 ML67Q5260 DFT Based Fingerprint Authentication LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML67Q5260 is a single chip LSI that executes fingerprint authentication without external memory by using the embedded fingerprint authentication accelerator This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses DFT Discrete Fourier Transform based algorithm licensed from Precise Biometrics and supports AuthenTec s slide sensors and certain
2. ML67Q5260 Preliminary

OKI PEDLSTOSDSL OKI SEMICONDUCTOR Issue Date Jul 2010 ML67Q5260 Preliminary DFT Based Fingerprint Authentication LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML67Q5260 is a single chip LSI that executes fingerprint authentication without external memory by using the embedded fingerprint authentication accelerator This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses DFT Discrete Fourier Transform based algorithm licensed from Precise Biometrics and supports AuthenTec s slide sensors and

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