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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
ELEMENT Barryvox® Reference Manual
IMPORTANT The ELEMENT Barryvox is designed for snow and mountain sports outside of controlled groomed slopes within ski area boundaries as well as controlled mantained trails All snow and winter sport activities are inherently dan gerous Knowledge and experience are essential to reduce the risk of injury or even death Do not enter avalanche terrain without an experienced guide or equivalent training Apply common sense at all times Never pursue these activi ties alon |
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2. |
PULSE Barryvox® User Manual
IMPORTANT The PULSE Barryvox is designed for ski snowboard snowshoe and snowmobile travel off maintained trails All winter sport activities are inherently dangerous Knowledge and experience are essential to reduce the risk of injury or even death Do not enter avalanche terrain without an experienced guide or equivalent training Apply common sense at all times Never pursue these activities alone DO NOT use the device in avalanche terrain before you have read and |
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3. |
ELEMENT Barryvox® Reference Manual
IMPORTANT The ELEMENT Barryvox is designed for snow and mountain sports outside of controlled groomed slopes within ski area boundaries as well as controlled mantained trails All snow and winter sport activities are inherently dan gerous Knowledge and experience are essential to reduce the risk of injury or even death Do not enter avalanche terrain without an experienced guide or equivalent training Apply common sense at all times Never pursue these activi ties alone |
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4. |
PULSE Barryvox® Manuel
IMPORTANT Le PULSE Barryvox est con u pour les randonn es a ski et en snowboard en de hors des pistes s curis es Tous les sports de montagne sont potentiellement dange reux en particulier les randonn es a ski et en snowboard Les connaissances et l ex p rience sont importantes pour r duire le risque de blessure ou m me pour viter la mort Ne vous aventurez pas dans un ter rain non s curis sans un guide exp ri ment ou sans une formation ad quate A |
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5. |
PULSE Barryvox® User Manual English
Your Barryvox will not protect you against avalanches As a winter outdoor enthusiast you must consider all possible avalanche prevention measures and plan your trips carefully Companion rescue the worst case must be practiced fre quently Barryvox Service Centers Registration and Additional Resources For additional information on avalanche rescue avalanche theory the registration of your Barryvox and the official Barryvox Service Centers please visit www mammut ch |
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6. |
Information for Mammut Barryvox OPTO 3000 USA
Information for Mammut Barryvox OPTO 3000 USA Please direct all inquiries regarding sales and repair of the Mammut Opto 3000 to Mammut Sports Group Inc 135 Northside Drive phone 1 802 985 50 56 Shelburne VT 05482 fax 1802 985 91 41 Please visit the Barryvox website for further information www barryvox com Customer service and repair center for Barryvox VS 68 VS 2000 VS 2000 Pro and S 2 Girsberger Elektronik AG Mountain Rescue Technology Tel 441 |
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PULSE Barryvox® User Manual Italian
Il Suo Barryvox non protegge dalle valanghe Come sportivo a deve preoccuparsi intensamente della problematica legata alla prevenzione delle valanghe e dell organizzazione minuziosa delle Sue uscite in montagna L aiuto tra com pagni misura nel caso peggio deve essere esercitato regolarmente Assistenze tecniche Barryvox registrazione e informazioni supplementari Indicazioni ulteriori sull aiuto tra compagni sul compendio sulle valanghe sulla registrazione del Suo |
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8. |
Barryvox Application Safety Guide Version080820
Barryvox Avalanche Rescue Transceivers Application Safety Guide INDEX OF CONTENTS 0 AERO IG TOU cp scence E cies mnt nctevicnenansdat E E E 1 1 Battery contacts cczicescseascctenedcrtclessbcedudnorerdxtammelenddcksccesacebaccescitatenscatonsiceeoraneancad 1 1 1 Bending of battery COMtAC Stc ccc 2e5 cat es tesa ieee eee 1 1 2 Cleanness and GOMOSION serisi pnia trg e a Ea e a EEEE 1 1 3 Leaking PEAS Sse sess ac cee oes cen eeenees daha ee eetenl aed ice epee eee ew eben 1 1 |
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9. |
ELEMENT Barryvox® User Manual English
Your Barryvox will not protect you against avalanches As a winter outdoor enthusiast you must consider all possible avalanche prevention measures and plan your trips carefully Companion rescue the worst case must be practiced fre quently Barryvox Service Centers Registration and Additional Resources For additional information on avalanche rescue avalanche theory the registration of your Barryvox and the official Barryvox Service Centers please visit www mammut ch |
PDF Manual |
10. |
ELEMENTBarryvox ManueldeReférence
Important ELEMENT Barryvox est concu pour les sports de neige et de montagne l cart des pistes s curis es Tous les sports de neige et de monta gne rec lent des dangers et sont potentielle ment dangereux L exp rience et les connais sances sont importantes pour r duire le risque de blessure ou m me pour viter la mort Ne vous aventurez pas dans un terrain non s curis sans un guide exp riment ou sans une forma tion ad quate A chaque instant fiez v |
PDF Manual |
11. |
PULSEBarryvox Manuel de référence
IMPORTANT PULSE Barryvox est con u pour les sports de neige et de montagne l cart des pistes s curis es Tous les sports de neige et de montagne rec lent des dangers et sont poten tiellement dangereux Les connaissances et l exp rience sont importantes pour r duire le risque de blessure ou m me pour viter la mort Ne vous aventurez pas dans un terrain non s curis sans un guide exp riment ou sans une formation ad quate A chaque instant fiez vous au bon |
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