Archives Management Software Review Report


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1. Archives Management Software Review Report

Council of Nova Scotia Archives Archives Management Software Review Report Prepared By Amanda Stevens MLIS For the ArchWay Committee Council of Nova Scotia Archives September 2008 Table of Contents I Bxecutive SUImmary teste tira RC PU La xU e UR eu WV EO ap Aden te tU E 1 II Factors to Consider in Selecting an Archives Management Software Program 6 M Research Methodology 4 oeste teh odas Porttiors ed bes sectis gei ev ud ab edis

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Ch A 4 X ITem guid 4 AL CCDDIUAVM Accessible Archives User Manual Written by Julie R Quain MLS Version 3 4 edited by Bonnie B Hawkwood Table of Contents Accessible Archives User Manual EUR Ce RAN c p NK 1 Ba ipso essa ee ree teed pose ace m chia eto lii dom 3 Search Terms single words DNTASES micscsscixececacdervanedenerhdaasdedbauncentacndecdsantseneceraats 3 Search
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