LinkLine - Speclink


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1. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc SpecLink and PerSpective Continue Software Improvements Users will see additional speed improvements in the latest versions of SpecLink and PerSpective Many functions such as promote demote copy paste and import from clipboard have been rewritten to eliminate the need for reloading the entire document thus speeding up the editing process There is a new option for establishing a default folder for projects To change the

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1. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc The Summer 2003 BSD SoftLink CD ROM enables importing of a complete new section into SpecLink or a new chapter into PerSpective from word processing com plete with preformatted notes and embedded choices if desired Although users have long been able to import text into an existing SpecLink section or a PerSpective chapter the newest releases of both prod ucts provide a much more robust capability that does not require the initial es
2. LinkLine

Building Systems Design Inc This article is one of a series intended to keep you informed as we develop SpecLink E successor to the long lived BSD SpecLink system The primary goals for this new product include expanding the word processing functionality to come closer to that of Microsoft Word improving the underlying database components to bolster performance over local and wide area networks including VPNs and modernizing the product installation and updatin
3. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc this development effort They also discuss the new user interface new installation and updating technologies and E s connected and disconnected operation in a network environment The most recent article describes BSD s approach to achieving meaningful interoperability between CAD cost and specifica tions applications This is the fourth article in a series describ ing the functionality expected to be included in BSD s fo
4. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc For the last couple of quarters we have been reviewing SpecLink E just E for short BSD s next generation SpecLink software After more than 10 years developing fielding and supporting the SpecLink system we have many reasons for develop ing anew platform from the ground up If you haven t read the LinkLine issues of the past two quarters you might want to visit linkLine_archives htm to read the Summer and Fall Next Gene
5. LinkLine

Building Systems Design Inc With the current edition of the BSD SpecLink CD BSD SpecLink celebrates its 10 anniversary BSD SpecLink was launched in March of 1996 as a 16 bit software product with no customers Early adopters who were tired of the limitations of word processing jumped at the new product propelling SpecLink to immediate success By the end of its first year BSD SpecLink was generating enough revenue to cover its direct expenses More gratify i
6. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc SpecLink and PerSpective Continue Software Improvements Users will see additional speed improvements in the latest versions of SpecLink and PerSpective Many functions such as promote demote copy paste and import from clipboard have been rewritten to eliminate the need for reloading the entire document thus speeding up the editing process There is a new option for establishing a default folder for projects To change the
7. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc a eee PER In SpecLink and PerSpective individual documents can now be checked out Check out temporarily suspends the linking between documents greatly increasing the speed of editing operations When the pro ject is stored on a server the checked out chapter or section is temporarily copied to your local drive which also improves editing speed For multi user situations a related new fea ture marks c
8. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc This is the second in a series of articles that discusses BSD s new generation of the SpecLink system If you missed the first article it s in the Summer 2006 edition of LinkLine that can be found at linkLine_archives htm Referred to as SpecLink E or E for short it is new software from the ground up designed to support an Internet based information system continually supplying you with the most up to date data E is packaged a
9. LinkLine - Speclink

24 BSD Building Systems Design Inc The Wizard is Here The latest version of BSD SpecLink includes wizard capability What is it Basically it s a new feature that allows you to insert non printing and non selectable text What good is it Well Wizard capability allows you to add a checklist at the beginning of any SpecLink section with links to the body of the spec Non printing checklist paragraphs mean that you can easily add intelligence to your office ma
10. LinkLine - Speclink

Building Systems Design Inc When users open an existing project for the first time after installing the latest release of BSD SpecLink they will see a new dialog box Instead of the familiar three choices that included the option not to update the new Updating Options dialog has been simplified and now offers two possibilities In response to the query Do you want to update your project now users may choose either Yes or No Selecting Yes activates a sub o
11. LinkLine LinkLine

5IBSD Building Systems Design Inc Cost Link AE amp CM Keep Growing On the Spring CD CostLink AE and CostLink CM expand the dynamic linking capability to allow linking the quantity field of any task or folder to its parent folder quantity Not only can you connect a building quantity model in Excel to your cost estimate but you can also use the folder hierarchy to derive quantities for individual build ing elements assemblies and tasks This quarter AE

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