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OceanCam - Ocean Presence Technologies
OCEAN PRESENCE Technologies Underwater IP Camera System OPT 09P User s Manual Version 1 0 OceanCam Model OPT 09P Ocean Presence Technologies 2014 OceanCam OPT 09P User s Manual Version 1 8 14 NOTICE TO USERS Copyrights 2014 Ocean Presence Technologies All rights reserved This manual or the software described herein in whole or in part may not be reproduced translated or reduced to any machine readable form without prior written app |
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Cisco TelePresence PrecisionHD 1080P 12x User guide
ajaj me l cisco Cisco TelePresence PrecisionHD Camera PrecisionHD Camera User guide Contents Introduction The physical interface Connecting the camera Video output formats Daisy chaning Appendices Software TC platform July 2011 PrecisionHD 1080p PrecisionHD 1080p PrecisionHD 720p 12X 4X a a a Cisco TelePresence PrecisionHD a Camera User Guide ea yen a gt www cisco com ajaj CISCO Introduction The physical interface Cisco TelePresence |
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Presence - The Gas Company
Presence Installation Guide and users manual 40011221 1138 taber Installation Guide faber 2 lt lt lt faber 2 5 2 4 2 3 faber lt lt lt 4 lt lt lt faber 1 Introduction The fire can only be installed by a competent person in accordance with the Gas Safety Installation and Use regulations We urgently advise you to read this installation manual properly This appliance complies with the guidelines |
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Guía del usuario de Polycom RealPresence Group Series
O Polycom Julio de 2013 3725 65672 002 A Gu a del usuario de Polycom RealPresence Group Series Informaci n de la marca comercial POLYCOM y los nombres y marcas asociados con los productos Polycom son marcas comerciales y o marcas de servicio de Polycom Inc y son marcas comerciales registradas o marcas de derecho consuetudinario en los Estados Unidos y otros pa ses El resto de las marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios |
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Guía del usuario de Polycom RealPresence Group Series y de : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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Polycom RealPresence Capture Station User`s Guide
NY POLYCOM gt Polycom RealPresence Capture Station User s Guide Version 5 5 November 2011 3725 75103 001 A Trademark Information Polycom the Polycom Triangles logo and the names and marks associated with Polycom s products are trademarks and or service marks of Polycom Inc and are registered and or common law marks in the United States and various other countries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Patent Informa |
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TANDBERG Telepresence T3 119076.02 user manual
TANDBERG Telepresence T3 ROOM REOUIREMENTS Note that the door is not a part of the Immersive Room Package and that the door should open outwards This document is confidential and remains proprietary to TANDBERG Telecom AS TANDBERG Without TANDBERG s prior written approval this document either in whole or in part may not be reproduced in any form or by any means disclosed to others outside the Client s organisation or used for any purpose whatsoever other t |
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PDOOCO3KNX INWALL MOUNTING PRESENCE DETECTOR eelecicron PDOOCO4KNX SURFACE MOUNTING PRESENCE DETECTOR Product Handbook PRESENCE DETECTORS PDOOCO3KNX Inwall Mounting PDOOCO4KNX Surface Mounting Product Handbook Products PDOOCO3KNX PDOOCO4KNX Description Inwall Mounting Surface Mounting presence detectors Document Version 1 1 Date 12 01 2015 Eelectron Spa info eelectron com www eelectron com PDOOCO3KNXF100020101 Pagina 1 di 16 |
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Guida dell`utente di sistemi Polycom RealPresence Group Series e
O Polycom Luglio 2013 3725 65677 002 A Guida dell utente di sistemi Polycom RealPresence Group Series e di Polycom Touch Control Informazioni sui marchi POLYCOM e i nomi e i marchi associati ai prodotti di Polycom sono marchi di fabbrica e o marchi di servizio di Polycom Inc nonch marchi registrati e o marchi di diritto comune negli Stati Uniti e in altri paesi Tutti gli altri marchi sono di propriet dei rispettivi proprietari Informazioni |
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PresencePLUS P4 AREA/Area 1.3 User`s Manual
PresencePLUS P4 AREA AREA 1 3 User s Manual Banner engineering Corp P N 125439 rev D 2009R2 Table of Contents 1 Product Support 7 1 1 Product SuppOrtie ct i eee fro IE ed en ee ee ee ee 7 12 ie tet teen a A nee epe od 8 2 9yStem |
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Typing deep pattern-matching in presence of polymorphic variants
Typing deep pattern matching in presence of polymorphic variants JACQUES GARRIGUEt Polymorphic variants are a well known feature of the Objective Caml programming lan guage and they have turned popular since their introduction They allow structural equality of algebraic type definitions and code reuse through their polymorphism Their typing and compilation have been studied in the past and there are already detailed published works for both 4 By their very nature polym |
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Polycom Immersive Telepresence (ITP) Administrator`s Guide
WH POLYCOM gt Polycom Immersive Telepresence ITP Administrator s Guide IA N Soliware Version 3 0 May 2011 3725 26945 004 A Trademark Information Polycom the Polycom Triangles logo and the names and marks associated with Polycom s products are trademarks and or service marks of Polycom Inc and are registered and or common law marks in the United States and various other countries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner |
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294000.10061 Hoyer Presence (A5).indd
Hoyer Hoyer Presence User Instruction Manual amp Warranty To avoid injury read user manual prior to use Hoyer Presence Manuel de l utilisateur et garantie Afin d viter tout accident veuillez lire attentivement la notice avant utilisation Manual de Instrucciones y Garantia para el Usuario Para evitar posibles dafios lea previamente el manual de usuario Hoyer Presence Benutzerhandbuch und Garantie Um Verletzungen zu vermeiden lesen Sie bitte |
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Cisco TelePresence MSE 8710 Specifications
otfecttae CISCO Cisco TelePresence Server MSE 8710 Getting started 61 0025 04 Contents General INFORMATION ss Sessien iaaa E No ras AVER aTi LEi Tsn 3 About the Cisco TelePresence Server MSE 8710 Port and LED locations LED behavior ss sssssssssssssssesssssssssessrseess wt Front panel LED behavior ceesssssssssecssssccssecessecsseecsssscssseesnsccsssccesccessceceseecsnecsnseeets Installing the Cisco TS MSE 8710 unneenssssenssssonnsssnnnsssennnn |
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Cisco Systems Cisco Telepresence Sx20 CTSATPSX204XK9 user manual
11111111 CISCO Cisco Telepresence System Profile series C series codecs Quick Set C20 User guide Contents Getting started Making calls Phone book usage In call features Scheduled meetings Advanced settings Codec C90 Codec C60 Codec C40 Codec C20 9 Quick Set C20 C20 Plus SX20 Quick Set User Guide Cisco Telepresence System Profile Series Cisco Telepresence System Codec C Series Cisco Telepresence System Quick Set C20 C20 Plus Cisco Telepresence SX20 Qui |
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Busch-Watchdog presence detector Type: 6131-74 - Busch
ABB i bus EIB L C P tal Technical data Power supply Operating and display elements Connections Type of protection Ambient temperature range Mounting Dimensions Weight Certification CE norm 2 68 Busch Watchdog presence detector Type 6131 74 101 The Busch Watchdog presence detector is mounted on a bus coupler FM switch actuator sensor FM ora switch dim actuator FM The presence detector is used for switching operation |
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Inflatable Restraint Passenger Presence System Replacement – Front
Inflatable Restraint Passenger Presence System Replacement Front a Component Name Caution Refer to SIR Caution in the Preface section Caution Replace the passenger presence system as a complete assembly to prevent possible injury to the occupant All the omponents in the service kit are assembled and calibrated as a unit Using only some of the components in the service kit will ause the passenger presence system to operate improperly Preliminary Procedure Disa |
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Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server User guide
Afeafe CISCO Cisco VCS Expressway Starter Pack Cisco TelePresence Deployment Guide Cisco VCS X5 1 D14618 02 November 2010 Contents bela La o NAA AA 4 Purpose of this QUIde iii 4 Related documents aaa nanana NAAAGNAS 5 Configuring the Cisco VCS sea Ga PAROA a 6 Firewalliports i prada AKA lio 6 Check option Key ii 6 Configure the routable address of the Cisco VCS 7 Ensure that Cisco VCS has |
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Guia do Usuário do Polycom RealPresence
O Polycom Guia do Usu rio 4 2 0 Dezembro de 2014 3725 65669 004 A Polycom RealPresence Group Series Informa es sobre marcas comerciais POLYCOM e os nomes e marcas associados a produtos da Polycom s o marcas comerciais e ou marcas de servi o da Polycom Inc e s o marcas registradas e ou de direito consuetudin rio nos Estados Unidos e em v rios pa ses Todas as demais marcas comerciais pertencem aos seus respectivos propriet rios Informa |
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Oxford Presence (Rev B).pmd
OXFORD MOWER Oxford Hoyer Presence Lift Professional Series SERVICE MANUAL Pages 3 4 Inspection Criteria of the Oxford Hoyer Presence Page 5 Testing of the Oxford Hoyer Presence Pages 6 13 Service and Maintenance Schedule for the Oxford Hoyer Presence Page 14 Fault Finding on the Oxford Hoyer Presence Page 15 Torque Settings for the Oxford Hoyer Presence Page 16 Exploded View of the Oxford Hoyer Presence Page 17 Parts List |
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