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KF-Ray, Raytracer paralléle - Le projet KF-Ray
KF Ray Raytracer parall le Rapport de projet long ELI 4 Karin AIT SI AMER amp Florian DANG Palytech Paris UPMC 19 mai 2009 Remerciements Nous tenons particuli rement remercier notre tuteur Jean Baptiste Mouret qui nous a supervis tout au long du projet ainsi que Pierre Fortin dont les cours et les travaux pratiques nous ont permis de mener bien la parall lisation de notre programme Nous remercions galement Ludovic Saint Bauzel qui s est r v l tre |
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Ray, R. D., Belden, N. R. & Eckerman, D. A. (2005). Learning tutorial
Learning and Conditioning Tutorials Roger D Ray Noel Belden David A Eckerman Copyright AI 2 Inc 2005 Table of Contents Learning and Conditioning Learning and Conditioning A Review Definition of Learning Principles of Phylogenic Adaptation Classical Conditioning Variables in Classical Conditioning Time based Paradigms in Classical Conditioning Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery in Classical Stimulus Generalization and Spontaneous Recovery Classical Conditioni |
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Aquatic DEL RAY, JR. AI6048R user manual
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Tub Size Bathing Well Shipping Weight Tub Weight Filled Gallons to Overflow Gallons to Operate 59 1 4 x 47 5 8 x 24 1 2 150 cm x 121 cm x 62 cm 40 long 32 wide 22 1 2 interior depth 219 lbs 99 kg 883 lbs 401 kg 92 gal 348 L 1 bather 73 gal 276 L 2 bathers 54 gal 204 L ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Pump 1 75 HP 12 AMP 110V Requirement 15 AMP 110V separate circuit required protected w Class A GFCI Optional Heat |
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D1P20-21 - Jim Murray, Inc
Products A Delta Environmental Pentair Water D 1 P 2 0 ca 2 1 Submersible Semi Positive Displacement Grinder Pump Pump Installation and Service Manual NOTE To the installer Please make sure you provide this manual to the owner of the pumping equipment or to the responsible party who maintains the system 23833A593 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Thank you for purchasing your Delta Environmental pump To help ensure years of t |
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