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1. Variables

UNIT 3 V O 5 gt Variables Must be one word no spaces Most languages do not allow punctuation characters Most languages do not allow the first Character to be a number Name a variable something that indicates what may be stored in It Variables can be from User input Created with a set statement Result from calculations N T R O T O p R O e R A M M N G Variable Declarations A varia

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Literals Variables Literals Strings are contained in double quotes e g Maximite Numbers may be decimal or represented as amp Hnn Hex Literal e g amp H3C 60 amp Bnn Binary Literal e g amp B00100011 35 n nE n Scientific e g 1 6E 4 16000 System Variables MM HRES Horizontal Screen Resolution MM VRES Vertical Screen Resolution MM VER Firmware Version MM DRIVE Current Default Drive MM FNAME Current Default File MM ERRNO Last Error Code MM 1
5. Variables

UNIT 3 V O 5 gt Variables Must be one word no spaces Most languages do not allow punctuation characters Most languages do not allow the first Character to be a number Name a variable something that indicates what may be stored in It Variables can be from User input Created with a set statement Result from calculations N T R O T O p R O e R A M M N G Variable Declarations A varia
6. A new typology of fathering: defining and associated variables

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Using Attributed Variables in the Implementation of Concurrent and Parallel Logic Programming Systems M Hermenegildo D Cabeza M Carro Computer Science Department Technical University of Madrid UPM Spain herme dcabeza mcarro fi upm es Abstract Incorporating the possibility of attaching attributes to variables in a logic program ming system has been shown to allow the addition of general constraint solving capabilities to it This approach is very attractive in

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TP414 User Manual Sample Planner for Variables SamplingPlans com Sample Planner for Variables TP414 User Manual About TP414 Sample Planner for Variables eese eee eese esee eene eene etna sensns tenens tense tensa eno What does ERATA dO orim a estote ttt eth e edu te ete tents feats Quick rt e e tu Ta eee fttt vro dac ter ree 2 Menu nd eto e dtt e etd after fee dum evt at toes Howto use UPA 14 eet t te e e t m a e et en ta lutter
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Variables dominantes dans l organisation d un paysage M thodologie multi chelle dans un contexte SIG Pierre Olivier Mazagol Centre de Recherche sur l Environnement et l Am nagement UMR CNRS 5600 Universit Jean Monnet 6 rue Basse des Rives 42023 Saint Etienne cedex2 pierre olivier mazagol unvi st etienne fr R SUM Cherchant mettre en vidence des variables participant l organisation spatiale d un paysage nous nous sommes rapidement trouv
16. Chapter 8: Variables

VARIABLES In This Chapter VariaDIeS ve 6665454 Soe ee eae eee Oe POSS s ee ee saan re ees eat ee Sd 8 2 ispnneBoR gro MATPPPCIC AAAUPPPPT 8 2 FANO A i MDD T m 8 3 SUING ValiaDIBS x29 9 9 SU cc cee dede Re BUS wees ER eR E ree e 8 4 Sting Variable Se IUD s sone ned d Ed ao och cae cee Rada RUNI E Eu Pm dea Ru ine d 8 4 Setting SUING Variable Value 2 e usare QUALI ee ose ene REUS UR CRURA RR a 8 6
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Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Logic Programming Using Attributed Variables in the Implementation of Concurrent and Parallel Logic Programming Systems M Hermenegildo D Cabeza M Carro Computer Science Department Technical University of Madrid UPM Spain herme dcabeza mcarro fi upm es Abstract Incorporating the possibility of attaching attributes to variables in a logic program ming system has been shown to allow the addition of general c
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