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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2
Test Report issued under the responsibility of Nemko www nemko com TEST REPORT IEC 60335 2 80 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2 Particular requirements for fans Report Number siicccavsctinscanencacevcssave 247910 Date of issue 2014 01 10 Total number of pages 101 pages and see page 3 for attachment list Applicants name gt KENNEDE ELECTRONICS MFG CO LTD POC SS D |
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Ricoh Facsimile Specifications
as n FAX2050L Operator Instruction Manuals FAX2050L BASIC FAX2050L ADVANCED RICON Five Dedrick Place e West Caldwell NJ 07006 973 882 2000 Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference For safety please follow the instructions in this manual FAX2050L Basic Features Introduction This manual contains detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of this machine To get maximum versatility from th |
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Tousimis 915B Critical
Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory University of California Berkeley 1 0 2 0 3 0 Nanolab Equipment Manual Chapter 2 21 Tousimis 915B Critical Point Dryer cpd 382 Equipment Purpose 1 1 1 2 1 3 This document has specific information about the capabilities configuration and proper operation of the Model 915B critical point drying system The Automegasamdri 915B cpd is a fully automatic COs critical point drying apparatus Figure 5 Its f |
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Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2
Test Report issued under the responsibility of A TUVRheinland TEST REPORT IEC 60335 2 80 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2 Particular requirements for fans Report Number 28221336 001 Date of issue 2014 May 16 Total number of pages Applicant s name Ventilation Systems PrJSC Addres Sionainne aa 1 Mikhaila Kotzubinskiego St Kiev |
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300468 300753 Aguarras Simil Limon SPB
MPL FICHA T CNICA Mediterr nea Productos de Limpieza AGUARR S SIMIL LIM N SPB DESCRIPCI N L quido incoloro de evaporaci n lenta con un agradable olor a lim n Miscible con la mayor parte de los disolventes org nicos insoluble en agua Buen disolvente de grasas aceites y resinas sint ticas Compuesto fundamentalmente por hidrocarburos alif ticos naft nicos y arom ticos Fracci n destilada del petr leo MODO DE EMPLEO Aplicar sobre la superfici |
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SIMIT 7 - Siemens
SIEMENS SIMIT 7 SIEMENS Edition January 2013 Siemens offers simulation software to plan simulate and optimize plants and machines The simulation and optimization results are only non binding suggestions for the user The quality of the simulation and optimizing results depend on the correctness and the completeness of the input data Therefore the input data and the results have to be validated by the user Trademarks SIMIT is a registered trademark of Siemens A |
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HP (Hewlett-Packard) FACSIMILE MACHINE HP FAX-700 user manual
HP FAX 700 Facsimile Machine HP FAX 750 Facsimile Machine HP FAX 900 Facsimile Machine HP FAX 950 Facsimile Machine wgm HEWLETT mL HM PACKARD HP Part No 5962 9599EUS Printed in U S A First Edition December 1994 Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice HEWLETT PACKARD MAKES NO WARRANTY OE ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OE MERCHANTABILITY AND EITNESS EOR A P |
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QuickSim Il Advanced Training Workbook Software Version 8 5 1 Mentor Graphics Copyright 1991 1995 Mentor Graphics Corporation All rights reserved Confidential May be photocopied by licensed customers of Mentor Graphics for internal business purposes only The software programs described in this document are confidential and proprietary products of Mentor Graphics Corporation Mentor Graphics or its licensors No part of this document may be photocopied repr |
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Simibox Standard Simibox Light - INSTA Online-Shop
c c 4 Unterputz Einbauk rper J Fe Corps encastrable SIMILOR Corpo da incasso sanimoatic KUGLER Concealed body WATER INSPIRATION SINCE 1854 Simibox Standard Simibox Light DE Diese Anleitung muss dem Benutzer ausgeh ndigt werden Garantie Haftung nur bei Montage gem ss Anleitung durch eine konzessionierte Fachkraft und gem ss rtlicher Vorschriften FR Cette instruction doit tre remise l utilisateur Garantie responsabilit uniquement assur es |
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Lettori Biometrici e di Prossimità modd. FGR006
GLOBAL SECURITY SOLUTIONS Lettori Biometrici e di Prossimit modd FGR006 1000 e FGR006 1000AM MANUALE TECNICO FGR006 1000 e FGR006 1000AM MANUALE TECNICO AVVERTENZE PER L INSTALLATORE Attenersi scrupolosamente alle normative vigenti sulla realizzazione di impianti elettrici e sistemi di sicurezza oltre che alle prescrizioni del costruttore riportate nella manualistica a corredo dei prodotti Fornire all utilizzatore tutte le indicazioni sull uso e sulle lim |
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compuesto cúprico de alta absorción y asimilación
ooper COMPUESTO C PRICO DE ALTA ABSORCI N Y ASIMILACI N CORRECTOR DE CARENCIAS Y FISIOPAT AS kh ho j y ri aai N N j y y COMPOSICI N p p Compuesto C prico complejo 28 5 285 g L Cu soluble en agua 7 63 p p Cu complejado 3 4 p p Complejante Extr org nicos vegetales AA 2 Intervalo de estabilidad de la fracci n complejada entre 6 7 y 9 2 pH 8 0 8 2 Agricultura Ecol gica Composici n y proceso |
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Reusing models and properties in the analysis of similar
The final publication is available at Springer via http dx doi org 10 1007 s11334 013 0201 3 Noname manuscript No will be inserted by the editor Reusing models and properties in the analysis of similar interactive devices Michael D Harrison Jos Creissac Campos Received date Accepted date Abstract The paper is concerned with the compar ative analysis of interactive devices It compares two devices by checking a battery of template properties |
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Ricoh Facsimile user manual
FAX Option Type 3245 Operating Instructions Facsimile Reference lt Advanced Features gt T Transmission Mode 0 Checking and Canceling Transmission Files Communication Information T Other Transmission Features T Reception Features fsl Fax via Computer Q Simplifying the Operation Facsimile Features 0 Administrator Setting 0 Solving Operation Problems 0 Appendix Read this manual carefully before you use this maohine and keep it handy for future referenoe For saf |
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BUILT FOR POWERCORE IN 14 5 Jisplay Options Low Res ow Mad High 14 3 OUT Reference Target Apply Level Calibration ENGLISH WORKS ULTIMATE SOFTWARE MACHINES INTRODUCTION Did you ever ask yourself Why doesn t my mix sound like THAT If you have asked yourself this question then ASSIMILATOR is your Plug In With ASSIMILATOR you can learn the frequency curve of your favorite mix or solo instrument track and apply that frequency curve to your mix |
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ES 1 052 701 U OFICINA ESPANOLA DE PATENTES Y MARCAS SOLICITUD DE MODELO DE UTILIDAD 1D N mero de publicaci n 1 052 701 Numero de solicitud U 200201940 6D Int CI 7 A47G 25 02 9 Fecha de presentaci n 18 07 2002 3 Fecha de publicaci n de la solicitud 01 02 2003 D Solicitante s Viviana Planet Garros C Grassot 87 Pral 1A Barcelona ES 12 Inventor es Planet Garros Viviana C Agente No consta T tulo |
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Sensore di prossimità capacitivo con sensibilità
OMRON Sensori di prossimit capacitivi per grandi distanze E2K C Sensore di prossimit capacitivo con sensibilit regolabile In grado di rilevare oggetti metallici e non metallici vetro legno acqua olio plastica ecc senza con tatto diretto e modelli in c c si fregiano del marchio di conformit CE Modelli disponibili Sensori Modello Aspetto Distanza di rilevamento i Uscita Tipo di uscita NA NC Non schermato |
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FO 4450U FO CS1 SHARP SERVICE MANUAL No 00ZFO4450USME FACSIMILE 4450 MODEL SELECTION CODE DESTINATION FO 4450 0 5 OPTION PAPER CASSETTE FO CS1 OPTION Toner cartridge FO 44ND FO 50ND Drum cartridge FO 47DR Illustration FO CS1 Option memory FO 8MK Verification stamp FO 45VS This laser printer is a class 1 laser product that complies with 21CFR 1040 10 and 1040 11 of the CDRH or I |
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DFA-Tool Training and Assimilation Kit
AM I SA Contract 262907 Document No DFA902 1 10093 Revision Delivery ID D3 5 Part A Date 17 2 2014 Classification Unclassified Dissemination level PU DFA Tool Training and Assimilation Kit Part A For software RLS 09 Prepared for European Union Research Technological Development amp Demonstration RTD Seven Framework Programme FP7 Rue Montoyer 75 MO75 2 4 1049 Brussels Prepared by AMISA Consortium Contract 262907 PROPRIETARY |
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SIMIT 7 Migration
SIEMENS SIMIT 7 Migration SIEMENS Issue Edition January 2013 Siemens offers simulation software to plan simulate and optimize plants and machines The simulation and optimization results are only non binding suggestions for the user The quality of the simulation and optimizing results depend on the correctness and the completeness of the input data Therefore the input data and the results have to be validated by the user Trademarks SIMIT is a registered |
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SIMIT Virtual Controller (VC) - Reference Manual
SIEMENS SIMIT Virtual Controller VC Reference Manual Reference Manual 11 2014 A5E32888913 AB Introduction Start menu Project menu Import menu Emulation menu Edit menu Help menu Abbreviations Regular expressions O iN O ON Bb IN Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety as well as to prevent damage to property The notices referr |
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