Synth Legacy Manual


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1. Synth Legacy Manual

UVI y ew 1 YN ET 2 bb dll Software User Manual Version 1 0 i dil in fn pct dltu tu 9 o ee t0 09 40 0 40 40 0 40 60 40 v7 9 0 Ae 0 Ae 0o 49 40 7 7v Lo ee ee 06 0 ee g Lo 49 Y g O he 0 he he 40 9 49 y 4o o 4o no o 4 v0 y Y 0 480 Mn novvp rtptptptpttdtld t o 0o 0o oo 0o o 4o 4o 40 amp 7 09 90 4G t 09 09 S 0o G 08 409 0 v7 0 7 0 v 90 40 0o g 0B 0 A l L Y 0o 406 40 40

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