Initialization of Cryogenic S600X Magnetometer


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1. Initialization of Cryogenic S600X Magnetometer

LAPPEENRANTA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY LUT ENERGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Bachelor s Thesis Initialization of Cryogenic S600X Magnetometer Aki Pulkkinen 26 3 2010 Supervisor prof Erkki Lahderanta Contents 1 Introduction 2 Operation of an RF SQUID magnetometer Jol Josephsom junction a Me Ue A ate A a A a A a i aa 2 2 Flux quantization A eet a ec ok kl Se ee ws Se he a 2 3 Tank circuit and hysteretic behaviour

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LAPPEENRANTA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY LUT ENERGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Bachelor s Thesis Initialization of Cryogenic S600X Magnetometer Aki Pulkkinen 26 3 2010 Supervisor prof Erkki Lahderanta Contents 1 Introduction 2 Operation of an RF SQUID magnetometer Jol Josephsom junction a Me Ue A ate A a A a A a i aa 2 2 Flux quantization A eet a ec ok kl Se ee ws Se he a 2 3 Tank circuit and hysteretic behaviour
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Device Initialization User Manual version 1 8 2007 UNIS spol s r o ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All brands or trademarks are property of their respective holders Device Initialization User Manual CONTENTS 1 Introduction III 8 1 1 Features And Benefits iii o di a 3 1 2 Basic Terms And Definitions _ _ 2 2 22 22 elec eee eee cee eee eee eee eee 3 A San ade cof ue hae RN A RNA O 4 1 4 Rapid Application Development Tools 2 2 0 2 c ee ee eee eee eee eee eee 5 2 U

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