pcProx® CHUID


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1. pcProx® CHUID

pcProx CHUID Thank You Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx FIPS 201 device s RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them Configuration is easy so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in your business school or organization Please call our Sales department if you have any questions or are interested in our OEM and Independent Developer s programs We look forward

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ocProx RKE Thank You Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx RKE device s RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them Configuration is easy so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in your business school or organization Please call our Sales department if you have any questions or are interested in our OEM and Independent Developer s programs We look forward to y
2. pcProx® CHUID

pcProx CHUID Thank You Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx FIPS 201 device s RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them Configuration is easy so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in your business school or organization Please call our Sales department if you have any questions or are interested in our OEM and Independent Developer s programs We look forward
3. pcProx Legacy Manual

pcProx Enroll amp Wiegand Converter Version 4 4 6 Rev B Thank You Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx 125 kHz Enroll pcProx 13 56 MHz Enroll or Wiegand device s RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them Configuration is easy so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in your business school or organization Please call our Sales department if you have a
4. pcProx Sonar Manual

pcProx Sonar Thank You Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx Sonar RF Deas hopes you enjoy using the new USB presence detector as much as we enjoyed creating and developing it Please share your comments and suggestions for our future solutions If you are interested in our OEM or Independent Developer s Programs please call us Thank you The RF IDeas Staff Need Assistance Ph 847 870 1723 Fx 847 483 1129 E Sales RFlDeas com TechSupport RFl
5. pcProx Playback & Writer Manual

pcProx9 Playback amp pcProx9 Writer Thank You Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx Playback and or pcProx Writer device s RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them Configuration is easy so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in your business school or organization Please call our Sales department if you have any questions or are interested in our OEM and Indep
6. pcProx® Plus, pcProx® Enroll & Wiegand Converter

pcProx Plus pcProx Enroll amp VViegand Converter 99009010 Rev AZ Thank Youl Congratulations on the purchase of your pcProx Enroll pcProx Plus or Wiegand device s RF IDeas hopes you enjoy using the readers as much as we enjoyed creating and developing them Configuration is easy so you will be able to quickly take advantage of a more secure environment in your business school or organization Please call our Sales department if you have any questions

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