XProtect® Perimeter Module for Southwest Microwave Intrepid


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1. XProtect® Perimeter Module for Southwest Microwave Intrepid

XProtect Perimeter Module for Southwest Microwave Intrepid User s Manual Target Audience for this Document This document is aimed at system users and provides descriptions of how to install and maintain the XProtect Perimeter Module for Southwest Microwave Intrepid SMIntrepid plug in to get status and alarm indication from the SMIntrepid system into the Milestone surveillance system The document only covers the necessary configuration steps in the Mile

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Milestone Systems XProtect Professional 2014 milestone The Open Platform Company Milestone XProtect Professional Administrator s Manual 2014 Contents BEFORE YOU START auonenn unu n nuu nuua Rr nrRRu nun ERRRR DRE RR ESSE ERR mnnn 10 ABOUT MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS enne nnnm nnn nnn nhr nnn RENE KEN 10 ABOUT ADMINISTRATOR BIGHTS REENEN RENE REENEN RENE REENEN REENEN RENE KEN 10 ABOUT IMPORTANT PORT NUMBERS e
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18. User`s Manual - XProtect Smart Client

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Here is the link to the XProtect Transact software page http www milestonesys com Software Add ons for XProtect xprotecttransact 1 Ifthe POS system can output transaction data in ASCII format through an available serial port then Transact should work 2 Ifthe POS system does print over serial RS 232 then a serial server can be used to listen on the line and forward transaction data The Lava Datatap IP is usually recommended for that http lavalink com products datat

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