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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
Geneious User Manual
Geneious 4 0 2 Biomatters Ltd 17th September 2008 Contents 1 Getting Started 7 11 Downloading amp Installing Geneious lt lt lt cocos cir Rs Van ks 7 1 2 Using Geneious tor the first ime o se lt a ED EES PUNK Gn ES 8 L3 TODO os cee kka RARA OSS AA 11 2 Retrieving and Storing data 15 2l Thenon a AAA e t 15 22 importing and exporting data ece 2445 em k a hh opaa i KA PKA 22 29 Dearing os soo ee CAE ye RSE KE ER DAG Ew ERE e EERE BS 30 A so eo boa Se ote POH eS |
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2. |
Geneious User Manual
geneioug Geneious 9 0 Biomatters Ltd December 10 2015 Contents 1 Getting Started 1 1 Downloading amp Installing Geneious 2 i244 bed corista LE SCO EO 2 ae eS BSS AE Ga Se y See eS 13 o o e he Eee ee ee Peewee A L4 Licensing oe Ee es ae ie ak BN SS PERE SG OS SESS a GS Loe 7 Ces rae eos ee ere se II 2 The Geneious main window 21 TheSources Panel oe ie Gee eh RARA ROE Bw A ARA 22 The Document ISE lt cedi ced ramea ee b ee AE HARE RS 23 The Document Viewer |
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3. |
Geneious Sequence Classifier User Manual
Seguence Classifier for Geneious R8 or later Aaron Kennedy USDA APHIS PPO and Biomatters November 10 2014 geneioug Overview The Classify Seguences plugin classifies a guery seguence by aligning it against all seguences in a specified database and then choosing an appropriate taxon according to user specified identity levels Single or multiple genes can be used for classification and multiple query sequences can be run at once The plugin first performs pairwise g |
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4. |
Geneious User Manual
g geneious Geneious 6 1 Biomatters Ltd March 5 2013 Contents 1 Getting Started 1 1 Downloading amp Installing Geneious 2 ii be hed sc a eee ies 1 2 Using Geneious Or ie first ime ARA ERS S RES ARS 2 Retrieving and Storing data 21 ROU Window e o do ee ERE OE Ee ES SOS OE ESS BEES BEES oe linporine ond EXPO ARA oe ee A ERA RARA A eS e 0 A IA BS EEE RS 24 Pobhicdatabasts s ie ee hh ESAS Hees Ree Oe A AAA 2 5 Storing data Your Local Documents 66 66 |
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5. |
Geneious User Manual - Division of Physical & Biological Sciences
Geneious 2 5 4 Biomatters Ltd February 26 2007 Contents 1 Getting Started 5 1 1 Downloading amp Installing Genelotis 26 24 24 4S go R x R 8 5 1 2 Using Geneious forthe first ime ens cua xS xe a BS 7 e eec ee Hebe i E e Coe oe AR e ee i 10 2 Retrieving and Storing data 15 2l Thenon SUN a AAA e Sel 15 22 importing ond exporting data 2 2445 e o nb a eed eR aw E eS 20 29 ARCA AE TT 26 Z4 DoDBEGabDEEDS ba Sot POH ok Re o AAA d Ha ed 29 25 Storing data |
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