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DA SDI NRC SDI Distribution Amplifier Non reclocking version Rev 3 5 D pe 0 3 T De D a ban 0 z A wa a e 3 DA SDI NRC Rev 3 Network Electronics ASA Thorgya P O Box 1020 N 3204 Sandefjord Norway Phone 47 33 48 99 99 Fax 47 33 48 99 98 Email support network electronics com www network electronics com Support Phone 47 90 60 99 99 Revision history Current revision of this document is the uppermost in the table be |
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User Manual for egs inprz, a GUI for the NRC RZ user
User Manual for egs inprz a GUI for the NRC RZ user codes Ernesto Mainegra Hing Ionizing Radiation Standards National Research Council of Canada Ottawa K1A OR6 November 26 2015 NRCC Report PIRS 801 RevB id dosrznre_template egsinp GUI for RZ EGSnre user codes Copyright 2011 NRC Canada General 1 0 control Monte Carlo Geometry Source Transport Parameter m Title 80 characters maximum dosrznrc_template depth dose in H20 due to Cobalt beam |
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FMI VSGF36NRC user manual
lt lt i Vcintage Hearth by FMI PRODUCTS LLC UNVENTED VENT FREE GAS FIREPLACE SYSTEM OWNER S OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUAL We recommend that our products be installed and serviced by professionals who are certified in the U S by NFI National Fireplace Institute www nficertified org MODELS VSGF36NRC AND VSGF36PRC A WARNING If the information in this manuai is not foiiowed exactly a fire or explosion may result causing property damage personal injury |
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Aegis Micro Video Gaming Accessories NRC 2.0.1 User Guide
Networked Receiver Controller NRC 2 0 1 Users Guide 11 th October 2005 DUNS 826771508 CAGE 1RKF1 www aegis inc net Telecom Engineering Services amp Products 8610 Washington Blvd Suite 213 Jessup MD 20794 240 568 9006 240 568 9008 fax 9 ae s is Proprietary Statement All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic mechanical by photocopying rec |
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5. |
EzUHF Manual - ImmersionRC
EZUHF R C Control System Overview amp Operating Instructions Nov 2010 for Firmware v1 18 mL ALE ALE Vr em lhi fi bee Renae Vin TUALTITY Table of Contents OT ces coches a ctnkcvsanenncn cama estes EA AtA Aea EAA eee cect teaa tranta t rantre taaten tea eeaa tran raseeaa trees teat S Fe ARIS 7 Pec IUOS ae a E EE sen cose satanatsesaeaceeaine 3 OCU r ten vunsnstiden vn cavnsuilec vsunnterunnsutearaenoncnsnaupectarutueneusibeciadsnsecieiectoneeetnene ess 4 FCI L |
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Ei Electronics Carbon Mo-noxide Alarm Ei261DENRC user manual
B16132 R0 261ENRC UC ENG 7 11 07 11 52 AM Page 1 Ei Professional MAINS POWERED CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS WITH RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM CELL BACK UP Model Ei261ENRC Model Ei261DENRC WITH DIGITAL DISPLAY Read and retain carefully for as long as the product is being used Contains vital information on the operation and installation This leaflet should be regarded as part of the product If you are just installing the unit this leaflet must be given to the householder This l |
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7. |
WinSRFR User Manual - NRCS Irrigation ToolBox
A ARID LAND UB ee AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER WinSRER 1 0 User Manual DRAFT WinSRFR 1 0 Help amp Manual DRAFT Surface Irrigation Analysis Design amp Simulation by ALARC WinSFFR is produced by U S Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Arid Land Agricultural Research Center 21881 N Cardon Lane Maricopa AZ 85239 Contents l Table of Contents Part Welcome to WinSRFR 3 T Getting Sta rted EE |
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AIR CONDITIONING EC AER Per i refrigeratori e pompe di calore For chillers and heat pumps NRA NRA H NRC NRC H R ISO 9001 Cert n 0128 1 INRFW Boney 9809 AERMEC S P A 66162 08 Sostituisce il Replace 66162 06 9805 MANUALE DI FUNZIONAMENTO DIRECTIONS FOR USE INFORMAZIONI GENERALI GENERAL INFORMATION CARATTERISTICHE GENERALI FEATURES Descrizione del pannello comandi Control panel descripti |
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9. |
NRC-157-Spanish front
NRC 157 Spanish A4 24 Apr 2010 L 11 PROTECCI N DEL CORD N DE ALIMENTACI N El cord n de alimentaci n debe de colocarse de forma tal que no exista probabilidad de pisarlo o apretarlo sobre los lugares donde ser colocado o contra el aparato mismo Poner atenci n particular en el cord n la clavija el tomacorriente y en los puntos en donde estos salen del aparato 12 LIMPIEZA Desconectar el aparato del tomacorriente de pared antes de darle limpieza No usar limpiado |
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10. |
Ei Electronics Smoke Alarm Ei261DENRC User Guide
B16132 R0 261ENRC UC ENG 7 11 07 11 52 AM Page 1 e Professional MAINS POWERED CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS WITH RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM CELL BACK UP Model Ei261ENRC Model Ei261DENRC WITH DIGITAL DISPLAY Read and retain carefully for as long as the product is being used Contains vital information on the operation and installation This leaflet should be regarded as part of the product If you are just installing the unit this leaflet must be given to the householder This l |
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11. |
Desa Outdoor Fireplace VSGF33NRC User Guide
HEATIIMG PRODUCTS UNVENTED VENT FREE GAS FIREPLACE OWNER S OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUAL We recommend that our products be installed and serviced by professionals who are certified in the U S by NFI National Fireplace Institute www nficertified org Shown with optional cabinet mantel with hearth base and trim accessories VSGF33PRC AND VSGF33NRC REMOTE READY FIREPLACE SYSTEM WARNING If the information in this manual is not fol lowed exactly a fire or |
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12. |
HOBO U30 Station No Remote Communication (NRC
No Remote Communication NRG onsetcomp com Contacting Onset For support please contact the company that you bought the products from Onset Computer Corporation or an Onset Authorized Dealer Onset Computer Corporation 470 MacArthur Blvd Bourne MA 02532 Mailing Address P O Box 3450 Pocasset MA 02559 3450 Phone 1 800 LOGGERS 1 800 564 4377 or 508 759 9500 Fax 508 759 9100 Customer Service Hours 8AM to 5PM Eastern Time Technical Support Hours |
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NRC User`s Manual (v 1.0 print)
Contents Important Safety Instructions sseeeeeeeseseeeeeeeereee i Ner 1 He Sample Systems ooi ar ERROR E a IO DUROS Ss 2 Ill Getting Started iia oen a ae edie 5 IV Basic Config raltlohi uo e reir ipn td e eT neret ie totas 8 V Advanced Configuration seseesseeesssesseeenennes 17 VI Scheduling Events and Security sseueeesss 27 |
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NUREG CR 6604 SAND98 0272 1 Supplement 1 RADTRAD A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation Date June 8 1999 Prepared by N E Bixler C M Erickson Sandia National Laboratories P O Box 5800 Albuquerque NM 87185 0739 C G Gingrich NRC Project Manager Prepared for Division of Systems Analysis amp Regulatory Effectiveness Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 0 |
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MODE DEMPLOI INSTRUCTION FOR USE MODO DE EMPLEO NRCD01 Francais KIT DE NETTOYAGE ET DE REPARATION CD ET DVD Un syst me complet pour liminer les poussi res et les rayures et reconstituer un film protecteur la surface du disque MODE D EMPLO I e Nettoyer le CD ou le DVD l aide du liquide de nettoyage et d une lingette e D poser quelques gouttes de liquide de r paration sur les rayures et bien lustrer avec une lingette pro e Recommencer l op ratio |
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16. |
Desa Indoor Fireplace VYGF33NRC User Guide
HEATING PRODUCTS UNVENTED VENT FREE GAS FIREPLACE OWNER S OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUAL We recommend that our products be installed and serviced by professionals who are certified in the U S by NFI National Fireplace Institute www nficertified org Shown with optional cabinet mantel with hearth base and trim accessories VYGF33PRC VYGF33NRC FPVF33PRA MILLIVOLT AND FPVF33NRA MILLIVOLT REMOTE READY GAS FIREPLACE SYSTEMS WARNING If the information |
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FMI Indoor Fireplace VSGF36NRC User Guide
lt lt i Vcintage Hearth by FMI PRODUCTS LLC UNVENTED VENT FREE GAS FIREPLACE SYSTEM OWNER S OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUAL We recommend that our products be installed and serviced by professionals who are certified in the U S by NFI National Fireplace Institute www nficertified org MODELS VSGF36NRC AND VSGF36PRC A WARNING If the information in this manuai is not foiiowed exactly a fire or explosion may result causing property damage personal injury |
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Aroma NutriWare NRC-1000 Manual
i www Coolshinystuftcom Model NRC 1000 www CoolShinyStuff com NutifNare Welcome to the NutriWare community With your NutriWare Whole Grain Gourmet you are well on your way to meals that are healthy delicious and easy to prepare Cook anything from white to brown rice whole grains and even entire entrees with the oush of a button The Whole Grain Gourmet also has the revolutionary ability to boil delicious whole grain pastas and other foo |
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Comfort Flame CGEFP33NRC Installation manual
UNVENTED VENT FREE GAS FIREPLACE OWNER S OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUAL We recommend that our 4 A products be installed and 9 9 serviced by professionals who 3 2 are certified in the U S by NFI A A q I Lord National Fireplace Institute Tm Gai www nficertified org Shown with optional hearth base accessory CGEFP33PRB CGEFP33NRB EFP33PRB EFP33NRB Ga |
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NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRC
Scien CE aloruvrepourle at work for NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRC User manual for dynamic test batch processor Smith Nathan Lau Michael NRC Publications Record Notice d Archives des publications de CNRC http nparc cisti icist nrc cnrc gc ca npsi ctrl action rtdoc amp an 19504561 amp lang en http nparc cisti icist nrc cnrc gc ca npsi ctrl action rtdoc amp an 1950456 1 amp lang fr Access and use of this website and the mater |
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