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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Teknisk rapport
TR A6196 Securing Elcom 90 with TLS Elcom WG Convener Ove Grande May 2008 SINTEF SINTEF Energy Research Securing Elcom 90 with TLS Address NO 7465 Trondheim NORWAY Reception Sem S lands vei 11 CONTRIBUTOR S Telephone 47 73 59 72 00 Telefax 47 73 59 72 50 Tormod Lund ABB AS www energy sintef no CLIENTS S Enterprise No Statnett SF NO 939 350 675 MVA TR NO DATE CLIENT S REF PROJECT NO TR A6196 2008 05 |
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Tekniskmanual GasMobile Engelsk
Tekniskmanual GasMiobile Engelsk A 2 lt lt SUMMARY SATION CULO 43 Consultation 44 ae 45 1 1 General Safety Stan at OSi 46 152 VVOFK CNVIFONIMEN 48 1 3 When working on engines or other vehicle |
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norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet hovedoppgave
NORGES TEKNISK NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET FAKULTET FOR MATEMATIKK INFORMASJONSTEKNOLOGI OG ELEKTROTEKNIKK HOVEDOPPGAVE Kandidatenes navn Svein Lgvland og Audun Mathisen Fag Datateknikk Oppgavens tittel norsk Oppgavens tittel engelsk Mobile Instant Messaging Extending Jabber to Sup port Mobility Oppgavens tekst This work will engineer a software system prototype for instant message ex change The system is designed and implemented using Jabber ex |
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tekniska data
Bruksanvisning Brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning Kayttoohje Operator s manual Manuel d utilisation LC 48 LC 48V LB48 LB 48V Las igenom bruksanvisningen noggrant och f rst inneh llet innan du anv nder maskinen L s brugsanvisningen omhyggeligt igennem og forst indholdet inden du bruger maskinen Les n ye gjennom bruksanvisningen og forst innholdet f r du bruker maskinen Lue k ytt ohje huolellisesti ja ymm rr sen sis lt ennen kuin alat k ytt konetta |
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teknisk manual - Polar Kulde AS
Polar Comfort DC INVERTER air water heat pump Developed by Polar Kulde AS OUTDOOR UNIT 8 6 kW IMPORTANT These alr condit TECHNICAL amp SERVICE MANUAL www polarkulde com Important Please Read Before Starting This air water heatpump system meets strict safety and operating standards As the installer or service person itis an important part of your job to install or service the system so it operates safely and efficiently For safe installation and |
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LTU - EX - - 04/228 - - SE - Luleå tekniska universitet
2004 228 CIV EXAMENSARBETE Convergence Time Redution in the BGP4 Routing Protocol Using the Ghost Flushing Technique and Other Proposals Gonzalo P Rodrigo Alvarez MASTER OF SCIENCE PROGRAMME Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Division of Computer Science 2004 228 CIV ISSN 1402 1617 ISRN LTU EX 04 228 SE Convergence Time Reduction in the BGP4 Routing Protocol Using the Ghost Flushing Technique and Other Proposal |
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Labyrinth Game - Lunds Tekniska Högskola
LUNDS TEKNISKA HOGSKOLA Labyrinth Game EDA385 Project Report Gustaf Gustafsson Robin Lefrant Fredrik Lundstr m mt08gg97 Ostudent Ith se robin lefrant 947 student lu se mt08fl2 student Ith se 2012 10 18 This report describes the Labyrinth game project in the course Design of Embedded Systems Advanced Course EDA385 The task was to implement a Labyrinth game in hardware and software in which the player have to take a marble from a start position to an end position |
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tekniska data
Bruksanvisning Brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning K ytt ohje Operators manual Manuel d utilisation LC 48 LC 48V LB 48 LB 48V LC48VE L s igenom bruksanvisningen noggrant och f rst inneh llet innan du anv nder maskinen L s brugsanvisningen omhyggeligt igennem og forst indholdet inden du bruger maskinen Les n ye gjennom bruksanvisningen og forst innholdet f r du bruker maskinen Lue k ytt ohje huolellisesti ja ymm rr sen sis lt ennen kuin alat k ytt k |
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Thesis - Teknisk Design
CHALMERS Predicting Energy Thieves The development process of a theoretical tool to identify potential risks for energy wastage during the usage phase of products Master of Science Thesis in Industrial Design Engineering Sophie Thornander Department of Product and Production Development Division of Design amp Human Factors Chalmers University of Technology G teborg Sweden 201 Preface This report is a result of a thesis for Industrial Desi |
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