TraumaCad Client sanity tests (QR Integration)


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1. TraumaCad Client sanity tests (QR Integration)

Voya QC HEALTH support Document Field Global Support Center document Le Version A Subject TraumaCad Client sanity tests Query Retrieve INTEGRATION V 2 2 553 anduip Page lof 1 After TraumaCad server has been installed licensed and tested by Voyant Health s Global Support Center you may use the below procedure steps to perform sanity tests on your own inside your TEST Production environment Action TraumaCad Client installation Component Client insta

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2. TraumaCad Client sanity tests (QR Integration)

Voya QC HEALTH support Document Field Global Support Center document Le Version A Subject TraumaCad Client sanity tests Query Retrieve INTEGRATION V 2 2 553 anduip Page lof 1 After TraumaCad server has been installed licensed and tested by Voyant Health s Global Support Center you may use the below procedure steps to perform sanity tests on your own inside your TEST Production environment Action TraumaCad Client installation Component Client insta
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A A A AAA AAA AAA AAA AA 4 lraumaCad Versi n 2 4 GU A DE USUARIOS 4 gt VOyant HEALTH Gu a del usuario de TraumaCad ndice Informaci n de contacto y soporte t cnico coococccccoconcnncncnnconccaroncncccacorcnronos 7 A e e A 7 Acerca de esta ll iniaraninaranis asno cc 10 DEStanata MOS nes 11 Pasos iniciales en TraumaCad sesesesecececesesesesesesesesesesesescscecececececececececececes 12 QUE es Tra maC ad nta ose 12 Flujo de trabajo de Tr
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gt raumaCad Version 2 4 USER S GUIDE ee 4 gt Voyant HEALTH TraumaCad User s Guide Table of Contents Support ANd Contact Information cccceccccececcecscsccecsceccecscsceccecececcececescececescecs 6 WMD ON GAME NOTICE raisi e aera EEEE EENE EE 6 About This GUIdE vein viseievsctvssocecsseseaectcscoexeuseisaacsnsernsecticaecisedonsetedcetsaevacescissoenertn 9 AoE ae E A E A A saussonstansscueys 10 Getting Started With TraumaCad ccccccccscscsc

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