Spinal Cord Injury - Patient Education Manual


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1. Spinal Cord Injury - Patient Education Manual

Spinal Cord Injury CHAPTER8 Sexuality amp Fertility For most people who are newly spinal cord injured life and death decisions physical comfort and settling into a regime of rehabilitation often take priority over issues of sexual functioning However when the immediate trauma has passed people often begin to question what the future holds for employment socialisation recreation and intimate relationships In other words they begin to question their sexuality It is

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3. Spinal Cord Injury - Patient Education Manual

Spinal Cord Injury CHAPTER8 Sexuality amp Fertility For most people who are newly spinal cord injured life and death decisions physical comfort and settling into a regime of rehabilitation often take priority over issues of sexual functioning However when the immediate trauma has passed people often begin to question what the future holds for employment socialisation recreation and intimate relationships In other words they begin to question their sexuality It is
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