Symbio User Manual


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1. Symbio User Manual

SYITIBIO Symbio User Manual Rev February 2015 2014 Ploetz Zeller GmbH Symbio 4 3 1 Working with Symbio 1 1 The Symbio philosophy 1 1 1 Simplicity 1 1 2 Integration 1 1 3 Involvement 1 1 4 The Ploetz Zeller BPM approach 1 1 5 Symbio USPs 12 The benefits of Symbio 2 Manage the business model 2 1 Getting started with Symbio 2 1 1 Homepage 2 1 2 Create a new database 2 1 3 Create a storage location 2 2 Build and manage the process architectu

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SYITIBIO Symbio User Manual Rev February 2015 2014 Ploetz Zeller GmbH Symbio 4 3 1 Working with Symbio 1 1 The Symbio philosophy 1 1 1 Simplicity 1 1 2 Integration 1 1 3 Involvement 1 1 4 The Ploetz Zeller BPM approach 1 1 5 Symbio USPs 12 The benefits of Symbio 2 Manage the business model 2 1 Getting started with Symbio 2 1 1 Homepage 2 1 2 Create a new database 2 1 3 Create a storage location 2 2 Build and manage the process architectu
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