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1. 25HD manual

DVR User Manual For H 264 4 8 16 channel digital video recorder All rights reserved CAUTION e Please read this user manual carefully to ensure that you can use the device correctly and safely e We do not warrant all the content is correct The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice e This device should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label The voltage of the power must be verified before using Kindly remove th

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LINHA DIRETA SAVMZEN METAL RGICA SIEMSEN LTDA 2012 Rua Anita Garibaldi n 262 Bairro S o Luiz CEP 88351 410 2073 Brusque Santa Catarina Brasil Fone 55 47 3255 2000 Fax 55 47 3255 2020 www siemsen com br comercial Qsiemsen com br E mail at 0siemsen com br ALEM DESTAS MAQUINAS FABRICAMOS UMA LINHA COMPLETA DE EQUIPAMENTOS CONSULTE SEU REVENDEDOR ESTE PRODUTO CONTA COM ASSISTENCIA TECNICA REPRESENTANTES E REVENDEDORES EM TODO TERRIT
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LINHA DIRETA METAL RGICA SIEMSEN LTDA SA VMSEN CNPJ 82 983 032 0001 19 6012 Rua Anita Garibaldi n 262 Bairro S o Luiz CEP 88351 410 6013 Brusque Santa Catarina Brasil Fone 55 47 3211 6000 Fax 55 47 3211 6020 Wwww siemsen com br comercial siemsen com br E mail at a siemsen com br AL M DESTAS M QUINAS FABRICAMOS UMA LINHA COMPLETA DE EQUIPAMENTOS CONSULTE SEU REVENDEDOR ESTE PRODUTO CONTA COM ASSIST NCIA T CNICA REPRESENTAN
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k A k i k I k k TECHNOLOGIES User Guide Mini NAS Adapter NAS25HDU2 www addonics com V5 1 11 Technical Support If you need any assistance to get your unit functioning properly please have your product information ready and contact Addonics Technical Support at Hours 8 30 am 6 00 pm PST Phone 408 453 6212 Email http www addonics com support query For more detailed information on setting up the mini NAS refer to the User Manual locate
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Beno LCD Monitor User Manual G920HD G920HDA G922HD G922HDA G925HD G925HDA Welcome Copyright Copyright 2009 by BenQ Corporation All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced transmitted transcribed stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means electronic mechanical magnetic optical chemical manual or otherwise without the prior written permission of BenQ Corporation Disc
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DVR User Manual For H 264 4 8 16 channel digital video recorder All rights reserved CAUTION e Please read this user manual carefully to ensure that you can use the device correctly and safely e We do not warrant all the content is correct The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice e This device should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label The voltage of the power must be verified before using Kindly remove th
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