Qubit™ Protein Assay Kits - Ecologie Microbienne Lyon


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1. Qubit™ Protein Assay Kits - Ecologie Microbienne Lyon

invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit Protein Assay Kits For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Table 1 Contents and storage information Material Amount Concentration Storage Room temperature Qubit proteinreagent 300 uL or 1 5 mL 200X concentrate in 1 2 propanediol Desiccate Component A Protect from light Qubit protein buffer 60 mL or 300 mL Not applicable Room temperature Component B Qubit protein standard 1 1mLor

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invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kits For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Table 1 Contents and storage information Material Amount Concentration Storage Stability Qubit dsDNA BR reagent 200X concentrate in Room temperature Component A 250 uL or 1 25 mL Desiccate Protect from light DMSO Qubit dsDNA BR buffer Component B 50 mL or 250 mL NA Room temperature When stored as directed kits are stable for 6 months
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invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit Protein Assay Kits For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Table 1 Contents and storage information Material Amount Concentration Storage Room temperature e Qubit Prot liv reagent 300 uL or 1 5 mL 200X concentrate in 1 2 propanediol e Desiccate Component A Protect from light m Qubit protein buffer 60 mL or 300 mL Not applicable e Room temperature Component B 5 Qubit protein standar
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invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit dsDNA BR Assay Kits For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Catalog nos Q32850 Q32853 Table 1 Contents and storage information Material Amount Concentration Storage Stability gt Room temperature Qubit dsDNA BR reagent 250 uL or 1 25 mL 200X concentrate in Desiccate Component A DMSO Protect from light Qubit dsDNA BR buffer 50 mL or 250 mL NA Room temperature When stored as directed kits are stable fo
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invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kits For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Table 1 Contents and storage information Material Amount Concentration Storage Stability Qubit dsDNA HS Reagent 5 Room temperature g 250 uL or 1 25 mL 200X concentrate in DMSO Desiccate Component A Protect from light Qubit dsDNA HS Buffer Component B 50 mL or 250 mL NA Room temperature When stored as directed kits are Qubit
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invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit ssDNA Assay Kit For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Table 1 Contents and storage information Material Amount Concentration Storage Stability Qubit ssDNA Reagent lt Room temperature 9 250 pL 200X concentrate in DMSO Desiccate Component A Protect from light Qubit ssDNA Buffer Component B 50 mL Not applicable e Room temperature When stored as directed kits are Qubit ssDNA S
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Instruction Manual Qubit Fluorometer probes invitrogen com qubit invitrogen Molecular Probes invitrogen detection technologies elcome to the Qubit Quantitation Platform an efficient combination of sophisticated accurate and highly sensitive fluorescence based quantita tion assays with the most user friendly fluorometer available Because the Quant iT assay kits use state of the art dyes selective for dsDNA RNA and protein you don t need to
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invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit RNA BR Assay Kits For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Table 1 Contents and storage information Amount Material Q10210 Q10211 Concentration Storage Stability 100 assays 500 assays ete F 25 C Qubit RNA BR Reagent 250 pL 1 25 mL 200X concentrate in lt Desiccate Component A DMSO e Protect from light Qubit RNA BR Buffer When stored Component B 50 mL 250 mL Not applica
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invitrogen by technologies Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Catalog no Q32866 Rev Date 4 October 2010 Manual part no MP32866 MANO0003231 Contents PROCU CEC OMLC IES erri hanes aR EA 3 Salet MMOLMATION sists atiie enactment eounieiat ela e recesses ane aaenns ee ee epaas 4 HUTFOCUICUION ioeina aaeei 5 Description of Qubit 2 0 FIUOrOMeter ssusrnnsari aiir a 5 Produch CCIM CATIONS rca A tens astuitestieses 8 Method Sasiia aaaea Ea 9 Cetine Started eraa E NA S 9
11. Qubit™ Protein Assay Kits - Ecologie Microbienne Lyon

invitrogen MOLECULAR PROBES Qubit Protein Assay Kits For use with the Qubit 2 0 Fluorometer Table 1 Contents and storage information Material Amount Concentration Storage Room temperature Qubit proteinreagent 300 uL or 1 5 mL 200X concentrate in 1 2 propanediol Desiccate Component A Protect from light Qubit protein buffer 60 mL or 300 mL Not applicable Room temperature Component B Qubit protein standard 1 1mLor

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