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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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AWE The Process of Illurmination SCROLLING LED PANEL USER S MANUAL CONTENTS 1 1 Scrolling LED panel Wireless Remote Control All necessary mounting hardware and Installation instructions Caution The installation of this product requires knowledge of 12V automotive wiring applications Incorrect installation or wiring will likely damage or destroy this product If unsure regarding the process refer to an automotive shop experienced in the ins |
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A S amp A S LTD UNIVERSAL PROGRAMMABLE SCROLLING LCD REF UNILCD V1 1 410 B8 TAL OD ES m gN aa Sul mE 28 sa mo p EDU SR DI Tubo Bp IE gs ERU LES ua mu a8 eg UniLCD Desktop Application Google play USER S MANUAL FOR S W VERSION 1 00 1514 Beirut Office Headquarters amp Factory Website Boutros Building 1 Basement S amp A S Building www sascontrollers com Cheikh el Ghabi Street Seaside Road Ghabi Beirut 2068 7808 Jieh Chouf |
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s. & as ltd universal programmable scrolling lcd user`s manual
A S amp A S LTD UNIVERSAL PROGRAMMABLE SCROLLING LCD Beirut Office Boutros Building 17 Basement Cheikh el Ghabi Street Ghabi Beirut 2068 7808 Lebanon Tel 961 1 216 994 Fax 961 1 339 600 GEHEIT Ed GETT Eet GE REF UNILCD V1 0 USER S MANUAL FOR S W VERSION 1 00 1437 Headquarters amp Factory S amp A S Building Seaside Road Jieh Chouf Lebanon Tel 961 7 996 333 Fax 961 7 996 116 Website www sascontrollers com Te |
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M9 Auto Scrolling
6 Using the Shark 100 Meter 6 2 5 1 Configuring the Scroll Feature When in Auto Scroll mode the meter performs a scrolling display showing each parameter for 7 seconds with a 1 second pause between parameters The parameters that the meter displays are determined by the following conditions e They have been selected through software refer to the Communicator EXT Soft ware User Manual for instructions e They are enabled by the installed V Switch key R |
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