Durham Oasis Apartment


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1. Durham Oasis Apartment

The User Manual We know you re not staying here so that you can read this however entertaining it may be So if you can t be bothered or the answer isn t here don t be afraid to call or text us The number is 0794 439 2971 How To Get in and out of the apartment and car park The yellow key unlocks the door at street level next to the lift The black key is for the door at street level at the front of the building The orange key unlocks the Apartment which

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2. Durham Oasis Apartment

The User Manual We know you re not staying here so that you can read this however entertaining it may be So if you can t be bothered or the answer isn t here don t be afraid to call or text us The number is 0794 439 2971 How To Get in and out of the apartment and car park The yellow key unlocks the door at street level next to the lift The black key is for the door at street level at the front of the building The orange key unlocks the Apartment which
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AR Wy Durham University Durham Research Online Deposited in DRO 12 December 2014 Version of attached file Other Peer review status of attached file Peer reviewed Citation for published item Buckley Andy and Butterworth Jonathan and Lonnblad Leif and Grellscheid David and Hoeth Hendrik and L nnblad Leif and Monk James and Schulz Holger and Siegert Frank 2013 Rivet user manual Computer physics communications 184 12 pp 2803 2819 F
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