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1. Insulin

MAGLUMI Insulin CLIA 130205002M 100 Shenzhen New Industries Lotus Global Co Ltd Biomedical Engineering Co Ltd 15 Alexandra Road 4F Wearnes Tech Bldg Science amp Ilndustry Park London UK NW8 ODP Nanshan Shenzhen China 518057 Tel 86 755 26508518 Fax 86 755 26508339 Tel 44 20 75868010 Fax t 44 20 79006187 CE R PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY Store at 2 8 C COMPLETELY READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING SYMBOLS USED ON LABELS EP

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O w novo nordisk NovoMix 30 Penfill insulina asparte IDENTIFICA O DO MEDICAMENTO NovoMix 30 Penfill insulina asparte 30 insulina asparte sol vel e 70 insulina asparte protaminada APRESENTA ES Suspens o injet vel 100 U mL de insulina asparte Embalagem contendo 5 carpules denominados Penfill cada um com 3 mL de suspens o para utiliza o em um sistema de aplica o VIA SUBCUT NEA USO ADULTO COMPOSI O Cada mL da suspens
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Accu CHEK Spirit INSULIN PUMP SYSTEM Pump User Guide Accu CHEK Spirit ACCU CHEK Spirit insulin pump Dear ACCU CHEK Spirit insulin pump owner Thank you for choosing the ACCU CHEK Spirit insulin pump This guide will help you to get the most from your ACCU CHEK Spirit insulin pump Even if you have used an insulin pump before it s important that you do these things before you use the ACCU CHEK Spirit insulin pump read this guide carefully work with
3. Pompes a insuline externe

Cher utilisateur de pompe insuline Paradigm Chez Medtronic nous nous engageons am liorer en continu la qualit et la fiabilit de nos produits et services Gr ce nos syst mes de surveillance nous avons appris l existence de probl mes potentiels et nous tenons vous en informer et vous faire certaines recommandations concernant l usage de votre pompe 1 Cache de protection du piston mobile La pompe est con ue pour r sister des chutes occasionnelles
4. User guide Basal-bolus Insulin Dosing Chart: Adult

Local contact gt Clinical pharmacy or visiting pharmacy gt Diabetes education service gt Director of Medical Services gt Visiting or local endocrinologist or diabetes physician For urgent medical advice support contact your nearest regional or metropolitan hospital Country Health SA Local Health Network Diabetes www diabetesoutreach org au Ph 08 8226 7168 Australian Diabetes Society www diabetessociety com au Diabetes management in general practice
5. Abasria, insulina glargina

ANEXO I RESUMO DAS CARACTER STICAS DO MEDICAMENTO V Este medicamento est sujeito a monitoriza o adicional Isto ir permitir a r pida identifica o de nova informa o de seguran a Pede se aos profissionais de sa de que notifiquem quaisquer suspeitas de rea es adversas Para saber como notificar rea es adversas ver sec o 4 8 1 NOME DO MEDICAMENTO ABASRIA 100 unidades ml solu o injet vel em cartucho 2 COMPOSI O QUALITATIVA E QUANTITATIVA C
6. Abasria, INN-insulin glargine

ANNEXE I R SUM DES CARACT RISTIQUES DU PRODUIT Wc m dicament fait l objet d une surveillance suppl mentaire qui permettra l identification rapide de nouvelles informations relatives la s curit Les professionnels de la sant d clarent tout effet ind sirable suspect Voir rubrique 4 8 pour les modalit s de d claration des effets ind sirables 1 D NOMINATION DU M DICAMENT ABASRIA 100 unit s ml solution injectable en cartouche 2 COMPOSITION QUALITATI
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Sites d injection de l insuline NOTE Il est tr s important de changer d endroit faire une rotation lorsqu on injecte l insuline afin d viter la formation de boules de graisse qui pourraient nuire l absorption de l insuline Vous pouvez par exemple alterner d un c t l autre de votre abdomen ou changer d endroit du m me c t de l abdomen vitez d utiliser la zone de 2 pouces qui entoure votre nombril Commencer l insulinoth rapie
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Levemir Penfill insulina detemir I Identifica o do Medicamento Levemir Penfill insulina detemir Forma Farmac utica Solu o injet vel Via de administra o Subcut nea Apresenta o Embalagem contendo 5 cartuchos de Levemir M Penfill cada um com 3 mL USO PEDI TRICO A PARTIR DE 6 ANOS DE IDADE E ADULTO Composi o Cada mL cont m pls O UbLi co Su cto qi Upa RAD RR DER RR TD 100 U Excipientes manitol fenol metacresol acetato de
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Owner s Installation Guide for the Paxton Automotive Novi 1200 Supercharger for the 2005 Mustang GT DP N 4809654 v2 0 Paxton Automotive 1300 Beacon Place Oxnard CA 93033 805 604 1336 FAX 805 604 1337 07 29 05 FOREWORD P roper installation of this supercharger kit requires general auto motive mechanic knowledge and experience Please browse through
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L expert diab te vos c t s i nnoSant j NOTE D INFORMATION Le 11 F vrier 2013 Objet Information sur les limites d utilisation des d bits de base de la pompe DANA R Madame Monsieur Dans le but de toujours vous offrir le meilleur service nous souhaitons vous communiquer une information sur la pompe DANA R que vous utilisez Nous avons t r cemment avertis par le fabricant de la pompe DANA R la soci t SOOIL que la pompe ne pouvait tre utilis e
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Snap Insulin Pump User Manual 4 asante snap Copyright Trademarks Disclaimer Caution Addresses ud EC REP C C 0086 O 2013 Asante Solutions Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced transmitted transcribed stored in retrieval systems or translated into any form or by any means electronic mechanical magnetic optical or otherwise without the prior written permission of Asante Solutions Inc 352 East Java Dr Sunny
12. NovoRapid, INN-insulin aspart

ALLEGATO I RIASSUNTO DELLE CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO 1 DENOMINAZIONE DEL MEDICINALE NovoRapid 100 unit ml soluzione iniettabile 2 COMPOSIZIONE QUALITATIVA E QUANTITATIVA 1 ml di soluzione contiene 100 unit di insulina aspart equivalente a 3 5 mg 1 flaconcino contiene 10 ml equivalenti a 1 000 unit L insulina aspart prodotta da Saccharomyces cerevisiae con la tecnologia del DNA ricombinante Per l elenco completo degli eccipienti vedere paragra
13. Tableau des insulines

Insulines non associ es commercialis es en France au 24 juillet 2012 Type d insuline biog n tique Pr sentation b d action d action Nom commercial Pour les stylos pr remplis Palier c Dose max c Analogues de l insuline d action rapide d asparte analogue glulisine environ de l insuline e lispro e cartouches de 300 U f NOVORAPID PENFILL stylos pr remplis de 300 U NOVORAPID FLEXPEN
14. LIPROLOG, INN-insulin lispro

ANEXO I RESUMO DAS CARACTER STICAS DO MEDICAMENTO 1 NOME DO MEDICAMENTO Liprolog 100U ml solu o inject vel em frasco para inject veis 2 COMPOSI O QUALITATIVA E QUANTITATIVA 2 1 Descri o geral Liprolog uma solu o aquosa est ril l mpida e incolor 2 2 Composi o qualitativa e quantitativa Um ml cont m 100U equivalente a 3 5 mg de insulina lispro de origem DNA recombinante produzida na E coli Cada frasco para inject veis cont m 10 ml eq
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PA 9114 FSAMP Lilly Disposable Insulin Delivery Device User Manual Instructions for Use Read and follow all of these instructions carefully If you do not follow these instructions completely you may a get too much or too little insulin Every time you inject e Use a new needle e Prime to make sure the pen is ready to dose Qs e Make sure you gota full dose see page 18 Also read the nformation for the Patient insert enclosed in your Pen box Pen Features
16. Procedure for subcutaneous injection of insulin or GLP analogue

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS NHS Trust CLINICAL GUIDELINE FOR PROCEDURE FOR SUBCUTANEOUS INJECTION OF INSULIN OR GLP ANALOGUE USING A PEN DEVICE 1 Aim Purpose of this Guideline The injection is to be performed by patient under supervision of nursing staff in all clinical areas If patient is unable to administer their own injection using a pen device staff can administer the injection using the pen device and correct sharps disposal See procedure number 16 Insulin must n
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PRODUCT MONOGRAPH APIDRA insulin glulisine injection rDNA origin Solution for injection 100 U mL ATC code A10AB Antidiabetic Agent Short acting Recombinant Human Insulin Analogue sanofi aventis Canada Inc Date of Revision 2905 Place Louis R Renaud October 19 2017 Laval Quebec H7V 0A3 Submission Control No 208393 s a version 14 0 dated October 17 2017 Page 1 of 61 Table of Contents PART I HEALTH PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION ccccssssssssss
18. Pompe à insuline Accu-Chek Spirit Combo—Manuel d`utilisateur

ACCU CHEK z ap lt co CO Lo f POMPE INSULINE Le nom de marque et les logos Bluetooth sont des marques d pos es de Bluetooth SIG Inc et toute utilisation de ces gt marques par Roche est r gie par une licence Les autres marques cN ai et noms de marques sont des marques commerciales de leurs S G d propri taires respectifs ul e d uti isation ACCU CHEK ACCU CHEK SPIRIT COMBO ACCU CHEK AVIVA COMBO PERFORMA COMBO ACCU CHEK TEND
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FreeStyle InsuLinx Manuel pour l utilisateur MODE FACILE FreeStyle Abbott Promise for Life ABT Insulinx Mode facile FRA5 07 indd 1 20 03 12 15 00 FreeStyle InsuLinx MODE FACILE 1 Que fait le FreeStyle InsuLinx e Sugg re la dose d insuline rapide que vous devez injecter e Ne conseille pas la dose d insuline lente e Tient compte de C Votre glyc mie au moment de la mesure CQ La dose d insuline au repas O L insuline r siduel
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SANOFI J LANTUS insulina glargina Sanofi Aventis Farmac utica Ltda Solu o Injet vel 100 Ul mL SANOFI sJ Esta bula sofreu aumento de tamanho para adequa o a legisla o vigente da ANVISA Esta bula continuamente atualizada Favor proceder a sua leitura antes de utilizar o medicamento LANTUS insulina glargina APRESENTA ES Solu o Injet vel 100 U mL LANTUS refil embalagem com 1refil com 3 mL para utiliza o com caneta compat vel para ap

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