NASGRO v7.1 Release Notes


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1. NASGRO v7.1 Release Notes

July 2 2014 NASGRO v7 1 Release Notes New Stress Intensity Factor Models CC16 Single Corner Crack s at an Offset Hole in a Plate Based on Fawaz Andersson solution for remote tension out of plane bending and pin loads It has improved accuracy and a wider geometry range compared to CC02 CC04 and CCO07 and is consistent with the new CC17 solution for two unequal corner cracks CC17 Two Unequal Corner Cracks at an Offset Hole in a Plate Based on Fawaz Andersson solut

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1. NASGRO v7.0 Release Notes

NASGRO v7 0 Release Notes NASFLA Additions New Stress Intensity Factor Models also in NASSIF CC13 Corner Crack at Edge Notch in Plate SC26 Surface Crack at Edge Notch in Plate November 26 2012 o These univariant weight function stress intensity factor SIF solutions are valid for a corner and surface crack at the tip of an edge notch of arbitrary shape and are extensions of TC17 Two common types of notch shape are supported in the GUI an angular straight ed
2. NASGRO v7.0 Release Notes

NASGRO v7 0 Release Notes NASFLA Additions New Stress Intensity Factor Models also in NASSIF CC13 Corner Crack at Edge Notch in Plate SC26 Surface Crack at Edge Notch in Plate November 26 2012 o These univariant weight function stress intensity factor SIF solutions are valid for a corner and surface crack at the tip of an edge notch of arbitrary shape and are extensions of TC17 Two common types of notch shape are supported in the GUI an angular straight ed
3. NASGRO v7.1 Release Notes

July 2 2014 NASGRO v7 1 Release Notes New Stress Intensity Factor Models CC16 Single Corner Crack s at an Offset Hole in a Plate Based on Fawaz Andersson solution for remote tension out of plane bending and pin loads It has improved accuracy and a wider geometry range compared to CC02 CC04 and CCO07 and is consistent with the new CC17 solution for two unequal corner cracks CC17 Two Unequal Corner Cracks at an Offset Hole in a Plate Based on Fawaz Andersson solut
4. NASGRO v6.1 Release Notes

August 3 2010 NASGRO v6 1 Release Notes NASFLA Additions and Changes e Crack case TC16 through crack in a curved stiffened panel was enhanced to account for a 2 bay crack with a broken stiffener for both the Swift and Chen Schijve bulge factor models TC16 now also allows the use of the Swift bulge factor for 1 bay cracks Also in NASSIF and NASCCS e A capability to input separate stress gradients for tension and compression loads was implemented for the following weight
5. NASGRO v6.2 Release Notes

September 29 2011 NASGRO v6 2 Release Notes NASFLA Additions and Changes New Stress Intensity Factor Models also in NASSIF and NASCCS e TC17 Through Crack at Edge Notch in Plate Univariant WF o This stress intensity factor SIF solution is valid for a crack at the tip of an edge notch of arbitrary shape Two common types of notch shape are supported in the GUI an angular straight edge notch and an elliptical notch for a very wide range of geometry parameters Stresse

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