Yag Laser Tattoo Removal


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1. Yag Laser Tattoo Removal

Yag Laser Tattoo Removal USER MANUAL MODEL Yinhe V18 Please read this manual carefully before operating this machine Retain it for future reference CE a I 1 eo s 2 a er el il 1 You must fill the water bout 5L distilled water or purified water to this machine before open it or it will easily make it broken 2 Keep any reflecting things out of the operati

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Yag Laser Tattoo Removal USER MANUAL MODEL Yinhe V18 Please read this manual carefully before operating this machine Retain it for future reference CE a I 1 eo s 2 a er el il 1 You must fill the water bout 5L distilled water or purified water to this machine before open it or it will easily make it broken 2 Keep any reflecting things out of the operati
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