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attributed graph-based representations for software view generation
ATTRIBUTED GRAPH BASED REPRESENTATIONS FOR SOFTWARE VIEW GENERATION AND IMPACT OF CHANGE ANALYSIS by Ratib Al Zoubi A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Computer and Communication Sciences in The University of Michigan 1992 Doctoral Committee Assistant Professor Atul Prakash Chairman Associate Professor Larry K Flanigan Professor Bernard A Galler Professor Katta Murty Assistant Professor |
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Auditory Representations of a Graphical User Interface for a
Auditory Representations of a Graphical User Interface for a better Human Computer Interaction Gyorgy Wers nyi Sz chenyi Istvan University Department of Telecommunications Egyetem t 1 H 9026 Gy r Hungary wersenyi sze hu Abstract As part of a project to improve human computer interaction mostly for blind users a survey with 50 blind and 100 sighted users included a questionnaire about their user habits during everyday use of personal computers Based on their an |
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Interactive Multiple Representation Editing of Physically
Interactive Multiple Representation Editing of Physically based 3D Animation Wayne A Christopher Computer Science Division EECS University of California at Berkeley Report No UCB CSD 94 813 May 29 1994 Computer Science Division EECS University of California Berkeley California 94720 Interactive Multiple Representation Editing of Physically based 3D Animation by Wayne Alfred Christopher Dissertation submitted |
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Built-in Arithmetic in Knowledge Representation Languages
Built in Arithmetic in Knowledge Representation Languages Shahab Tasharrofi and Eugenia Ternovska Simon Fraser University Canada sta44 ter cs sfu ca Abstract In previous papers results about capturing the complexity class NP as model expansion task for languages with built in arithmetic have been demon strated The purpose of this paper is to show implications of those results to the practice of KR and in particular to two system languages of ASP Gringo and Lparse |
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Implementation of an executable graphical representation of GAPs
Implementation of an executable graphical representation of GAPs based on Petri nets Sebastian Jekutsch Project work report Institute for Algorithms and Cognitive Systems University Karlsruhe Contents 1 Introduction 2 Prerequisites 2 1 Generalized Annotated Programs 0 02 00 2 0004 2 2 Well founded semantics 2 2 1 Alternating fixpoint 2 2 2 Annotated logic and the well founded model 2 3 Coloured Petri nets |
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The Space Envelope Representation for 3D Scenes Chapter 4
The following is taken from The Space Envelope Representation for 3D Scenes Chapter 4 RANGE CAMERAS of Adam Hoover s PhD dissertation full copy available at http marathon csee usf edu hoover home page html A capturing an intensity image distance 1 meter capturing a range image laser range finder Figure 1 Illustration of the nature of capturing a range image of the laser radar variety as compared to capturing an intensity image |
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Representation of Interwoven Surfaces in 21/2D Drawing
Representation of Interwoven Surfaces in 2 2D Drawing Keith B Wiley University of New Mexico Computer Science Dept kwiley cs unm edu ABSTRACT The state of the art in computer drawing programs is based on a number of concepts that are over two decades old One such concept is the use of layers for ordering the surfaces ina drawing from top to bottom Unfortunately the use of layers unnecessarily imposes a partial ordering on the depths of the surfaces and prevents the us |
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Preserving Process: Hyperlink-Based Workflow Representation
Preserving Process Hyperlink Based Workflow Representation Explores the effectiveness of representing implementation independent work and process flows as systems of hyperlinks that define the possible state transitions for managed objects Identifies a set of functional requirements that a link based workflow approach must satisfy and identifies alternative implementation approaches especially in the context of generalized content and information management systems Compares a de |
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Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Prolog and AILog
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Prolog and AlLog Practical 2012 2013 Exercises Peter Lucas Institute for Computing and Information Sciences iCIS Radboud University Nijmegen Contents 1 Learning outcomes 3 2 AI programming and representation 3 2 1 Symbol manipulationvss 2 2 ace sean Pa oe ek Se ew Bh na Ps 3 2 2 Characteristics of PROLOG 2 0 0 0 a Ea a a ee 4 23 AlL g hean WS oN te deal ih ea in OR a eb Be he eee 5 3 Introductory remarks about |
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Security Models and Graphical Representation of Security
Security Models and Graphical Representation of Security Afzul Mohmud BSc Computing 2002 2003 The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and the appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others I understand that failure to attribute material which is obtained from another source may be considered as plagiarism Signature of student Summary Formal security models are difficult concepts to learn about S |
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Method and system for manipulating groups of data representations
US008237715B2 az United States Patent 10 Patent No US 8 237 715 B2 Buck et al 45 Date of Patent Aug 7 2012 54 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR 2007 0066956 Al 3 2007 Finkel MANIPULATING GROUPS OF DATA 2007 0106135 5 2007 Sloan et al 2007 0112298 AI 5 2007 Mueller Jr et al REPRESENTATIONS OF A GRAPHICAL 2008 0034323 AI 2 2008 Blomquist DISPLAY FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 75 Inventors Schuyler Buck Muncie IN US Jason WO WO2007 000427 Al 1 2007 Bush Fishers IN |
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INFORMATICS Computer Hardware and Programming in Visual Basic 81 Chapter 3 THE REPRESENTATION OF PROCESSING ALGORITHMG ccccceeseeteees 83 A MAIGRET siccssaiasccundeancicandassacnadaadocieansecticeasapecanbanvadansasmsaraxanccnnss E 83 3 1 1 The Stages of Solving a Problem by Means of Computer cccccsccceseceeeeeeeeseees 84 The General Steps for Preparing a Prostrate ccsicnsdscesscencemanneian eaten macanenade 87 EXGCUUME PIOOTAIN snenia a a E E E EE TE EEAO |
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