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Manuel d utilisation SNGAU7E www diagnostiqueauto com G 400 Lecteur universel de codes erreurs 1 4 Vue d ensemble 1 4 1 Le G400 un outil portable 1 4 2 Liste des l ments livr s Le G400 1 manuel d utilisation 1 valisette de rangement 1 CDROM contenant les codes erreurs 1 c ble avec prise OBD2 1 c ble de raccord pour mise jour PC Sommaire A A A A ne Se p4 EPIA EPT DOS nn ne onu Aia p4 AGENTE ad riada cido do od p5 E O tn |
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Profesore INSTRUCTIONS FOR DLAN At CULCEAILULS 4 o ns VAG CODE READER AND RESET TOOL EOBD amp GENERIC Model VS862 Thank you for purchasing a Sealey Product Manufactured to a high standard this product will if used according to these instructions and properly maintained give you years of trouble free performance IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY NOTE THE SAFE OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS USE THIS PRODUCT CORRECTLY AND WITH CARE |
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——GPS+OBD II Tracker—
SEEWORLD GPS GSM SMS GPRS OBD 702 User Manual V1 0 SEEWORLD User Manual Welcome to use SEEWORLD GPS Tracking terminal please read this manual carefully to install and operate the terminal exactly This user manual is for reference only If some contents and operation steps are inconsistent with those for the actual product the latter will prevail Using the GPS tracker we can position monitor the vehicle including OBD data on the position server via |
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New OBD Smart PC Tool User Manual
Se CASTEL Sinocastel Co Ltd New OBD Smart PC Tool User Manual V0 6 Fe D CASTEL 2013 07 30 1 16 r gt CASTEL Sinocastel Co Ltd Catalogue LOGO Pre ee re ee 3 IR On eura RR E 3 2 1 MaMe rn a CO een 4 P a MMM oi pa rina 6 ZINIO ee E ee itaalia koit 8 2A RECU RODO acari 9 SO ee 11 PAU je saks aia 14 WF it a 16 2 16 wh CASTEL Sinocastel Co Ltd I Installation Copy USB Driver and New OBD Smart PCTool to your PC 4 n |
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OBD-EH User`s Manual
CdA A A OBD2 Wiring Kit OBD EH OBD EH As of July 2015 No 14 USER S GUIDE Thank you for purchasing this PIVOT product Please read this manual carefully before installation and use Please keep this manual for future reference Distinguishing Products List of Possible Combinations The following shows a list of the possible combinations in which OBD2 1 2 products can be used Our OBD2 Wiring Kit Sold separately not only makes installation simpler it al |
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k i www uobd2 com Chip Identifications LA k 4 LA Ge LO mis 8 76 9 CSI 27 93C56ASI 9714C 1 2 3 A Chips IC in which stores Mile Km audio code and anti theft code and other data Most of them have 8 pins the data stored in can be read written Adapters Remove free Adapter a Only available for those we offer wiring diagrams b For the odometer with protected lacquer on the circuit board or IC heat the lacquer and clear it and then to weld |
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English - Leagend: Easier OBD II Diagnostics, Smarter Gauge
OWNER S MANUAL FASTER amp DIGITALAUTO SCANNER EASIER FOR1996 CAREI oe AND 2 Sensor pire suit Low NEWER olts OBD II VEHICLES ank 1 Sensor DIGITAL OBD2 CAN CAR SCANNER OOWNERSMANUAL 00s Table of Contents 1 4 11 WHAT IS OBD 4 1 2 Safety Precautions and Warnings |
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4 watt solar 12v battery trickle charger with obd ii connector
gt SUNFDIATIE 4 WATT SOLAR 12V BATTERY TRICKLE CHARGER WITH OBD II CONNECTOR APPROVISIONNEUR SOLAIRE 12V DE 4 WATTS AVEC CONNECTEUR OBD Il CARGADOR LENTO SOLAR 12V DE 4 WATTS CON CONECTOR OBD Il User s Manual Manuel de l utilisateur Manual del usuario Specifications and Included Items Power Rating Up to 4 Watts Current 266mA 15V Includes On Board Diagnostics OBD II plug 12 Volt DC Plug Alligator Battery Clamps extension wire and suction cups |
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OBD1 Systems_Chrysler and Jeep3
Preparando para o Teste Antes de Voc come ar O aparelho CanOBD2 amp 1 Scan Tool auxilia na monitora o eletr nica e falhas relativas s emiss es no seu ve culo e recupera c digos de falha relacionados ao mal funcionamento destes sistemas Problemas mec nicos tais como baixo n vel de leo lubrificante ou mangueiras danificadas chicote ou conectores el tricos podem causar atua o pobre do motor e podem tamb m causar um c digo de falha para ser marcado Conserte q |
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OBD II-compliant diagnostic PC tablet and method of use
12 United States Patent Chen US008630765B2 US 8 630 765 B2 Jan 14 2014 10 Patent No 45 Date of Patent 54 75 73 Em Q1 Q2 65 51 52 58 56 OBD II COMPLIANT DIAGNOSTIC PC TABLET AND METHOD OF USE Inventor leon Chen Laguna Hills CA US Assignee Innova Electronics Inc Irvine CA US Notice Subject to any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U S C 154 b by 1557 da |
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CP9125 OBD II PocketScan™ Code Reader : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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Automatic Key Cutting MachineCONDOR XC MINI CONDOR Automatic Key Cutting Machine XC MINI User Manual Automatic Key Cutting MachineCONDOR XC MINI TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS 02 D GENER AIMINPORNCAT ee dud 03 PRODUCT PACK AGING deus ee a 04 4 OVERVIEW 32655 06 TERIS TICS 2 272259 cene |
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CorobDRIVER - sistemas tintométricos y agitadores
Manual de uso CorobDRIVER Versi n 4 5 revisi n 01 Corob S p A O 2002 COROB S p A CorobDRIVER Manual de uso Versi n 4 5 revisi n 01 O COPYRIGHT 2002 Corob O S p A Todos los derechos reservados Por ning n motivo ninguna parte de este material podr ser reproducida en cualquier forma o medio incluido el grabado y la fotocopia sin una precedente expresa autorizaci n escrita por parte de Corob O S p A Las informaciones contenidas en el presente |
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OBD1300 Enhanced OBD I & OBD II Scan Tool Analyseur
OBD1300 Enhanced OBD I amp OBD II Scan Tool Analyseur contr leur OBD1300 am lior OBD I et OBD II OBD1300 Herramienta mejorada de escaneo OBD I y OBD II en Quick Start Guide fr Guide de d marrage rapide es Guia de inicio rapido The Quick Start Guide was developed to help you get started using the Scan Tool If there are any problems following these steps or extra information is required refer to the User s Guide located at www boschdiagnostics com user manuals |
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OBD-II - picprojects
CAIRO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPT 4 Year Product Development Automotive On Board Diagnostics OBD II G21_OBD H_PD01_v1_0 Prepared By Group No 12 Sec B N Amr Medhat Ahmed 3 6 Heba Khaled Abd Al Azeem 4 20 Mahmoud Ahmed Genedy 3 22 Mahmoud Ahmed Yassin 3 23 6 Mona Sayed Salem 4 12 Nesma Ahmed Mostafa 4 19 Shady Ismail Ahmed 2 16 Shaima Adel Mahmoud 2 17 Monitor Eng Aly El gamal Supervisor Dr Ra |
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Finest 1006 Automotive Scope/GMM/OBD II Code
FINEST FinestCaltek Finest 1006 Automotive Scope GMM OBD II Code Reader Automotive On board diagnostic systems of thesedays have gone a long way toward helping you locate a problem But those systems aren t perfect and they don t cover everything most glitches and intermittents So the real challenge that befuddles most automotive technicians is diagnosing no code trouble On board diagnostic systems are engineered with fairly wide set limits for sensors actuators connect |
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OBDMATE OM510 User s Manual Table of Contents 1 Safety Precautions and WarningsS 22 00eee cece eens 2 2 General Information 00 020 e eee ee 3 2 1 On Board Diagnostics OBD Il 02 00205 3 2 2 Diagnostic Trouble Codes DTCs 0220000 20 3 2 3 Location of the Data Link Connector DLC 4 2 4 OBD II Readiness Monitors llle nA 5 2 5 OBD II Monitor Readiness Status 02 20 |
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6. Warranty and Service -
a lg g By 1 able of Contents INTRODUCTION ciissssstessessesssscsscsscscsessscssssseeseossonsiesssscssnsesoecesase KI BACK GROUND ess 3355031 si cs E EET 1 2 J2534 A SOLUTION ARRIVES 0 0 ccceceseeesseeseeeeeeeseeeeeeeeenees 1 3 PASS THRU VEHICLE INTERFACE 0000 0 ccccesseseseseseseeseeeeeeeeeenees GETTING TO KNOW MAXIFLASH PRO ccscsssssseecesoee 221 FRONT PANEL 6 5 0 26 030s4sssiasdesostonedesstesicisnetetasans yess stage oiis 2 2 REAR PANEL cenin |
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OBD1 Systems_Chrysler and Jeep2
Introdu o O Que OBD O aparelho CanOBD2 amp 1 Scan Tool projetado para funcionar com a maioria dos ve culos OBD2 compat veis das marcas Chrysler Ford GM e Toyota Um dos mais excitantes aperfei oamentos na ind stria automobil stica foi a adi o do On Board Diagnostics OBD nos ve culos ou em termos mais b sicos o computador que ativa as luzes de CHECK ENGINE Verifica o do Motor O OBD 1 foi projetado para monitorar sistemas espec ficos do fabric |
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OBD Bluetooth Transmitter User`s Manual
CAN OBD II User s Manual Thank you for purchasing the CAN OBD II OBD Interface Unit Please take time to read through this User Guide to become familiar with the operating procedures The CAN OBD II OBD Interface Unit enables access to your vehicle s diagnostic information With the CAN OBD II OBD Interface Unit and software on your computer you will be able to read and clear Diagnostic Trouble Godes from the vehicle s computer memory turn off the Check Engine l |
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