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The minutes of the National Joint Health and Safety Committee
The minutes of the National Joint Health and Safety Committee meetings are written translated and provided by Canada Post Corporation This document can be searched internally using the FIND function from within Acrobat Reader Les proc s verbaux des r unions du Comit national mixte de sant et de s curit sont r dig s traduits et fournis par la Soci t canadienne des postes Les utilisateurs peuvent effectuer des recherches dans ce document en utilisa |
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courrier ci-joint (29/10/2015) (245 ko)
Ethicon SAS 1 rue Camille Desmoulins ET H I C O N TSA 81002 92787 Issy les Moulineaux Cedex 9 PART OF THE fohmonsfohmon FAMILY OF COMPANIES France T 01 55 00 22 00 F 01 55 00 28 10 Issy les Moulineaux le xx xx xxxx Account Name D partement Qualit et Vigilance Account Address REF 2015 09 ZIP _ CODE Account _ City A l attention de la Pharmacie et du Correspondant V Biosense Webster de Mat riovigilance PART OF THE fohmonsfohmon Famy F COMPANIES |
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courrier ci-joint (22/04/2011)
Philips Healthcare 33 rue de Verdun 92156 Suresnes Cedex A l attention du Directeur de l Etablissement Suresnes le 15 avril 2011 Recommand avec accus r ception Objet Notification de s curit produit Syst mes d Informations Cliniques ICIP Dossier suivi par Jean Fran ois G ambi P le d Assistance Clients au 0810 835 624 N R f PS JFG 11 0105 FSN 86201179 Madame Monsieur Philips Healthcare souhaite vous informer d un probl me de s curit |
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Manuel d`instructions et d`entretien Vérin sans tige à joint
55 MY1M TFH24FR C Manuel d instructions et d entretien V rin sans tige joint m canique S rie 55 MY1M CEE Il 2G c Description de marque Groupe ll Cat gorie 2 Id al pour milieu gazeux Type de protection s curit la construction Temp rature superficielle maxi 75 C et classe de temp rature T6 pour temp rature ambiante entre 5 C et 40 C Temp rature superficielle maxi 95 C et classe de temp rature T5 pour temp rature ambiante entre 40 C et 60 |
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courrier ci-joint (11/06/2014)
12 mai 2014 Destinataires Objet GE Healthcare Healthcare Systems URGENT ACTION CORRECTIVE DE SECURITE 9900 Innovation Drive Wauwatosa WI 53226 Etats Unis R f rence GE Healthcare FMI 36098 Responsable Biom dical Correspondant Local de Mat riovigilance Directeur de l tablissement Gestionnaire des risques Versions logicielles 5 4 5 5 ou 5 6 du Moniteur patient Solar 8000M et Solar 8000i quip es de la fonction Automatic View On Alarm AVOA |
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Construction Products BOLETIN T CNICO N2 237 03 id did MAXEPOX JOINT MORTERO EPOXI DE ALTAS PRESTACIONES MEC NICAS Y QU MICAS PARA REJUNTADO DE CER MICA EN PAREDES Y SUELOS DESCRIPCI N MAXEPOX JOINT es una formulaci n epoxi de dos componentes sin disolventes cargas de cuarzo seleccionadas y aditivos especiales apta para el rejuntado r gido impermeable y resistente a los ataques qu micos y a la abrasi n mec nica de juntas entre baldosas cer |
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courrier ci-joint (04/06/2008)
Urgent Field Safety Notice Product Correction Action Immediate Requise A transmettre aux Directeurs des Etablissements de Sant aux Responsables de Laboratoire et aux Correspondants locaux de R actovigilance Rungis le 05 06 2008 INFORMATIONS RECOMMANDATIONS IMPORTANTES Logiciel des Syst mes ARCHITECT c8000 et ci8200 Madame Monsieur Suite des r clamations d utilisateurs nous avons identifi un d faut au niveau du logiciel de l analyse |
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courrier ci-joint (23/09/2005)
Medtronic France 122 avenue du G n ral Leclerc 92514 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex t l 01 55 38 17 00 fax 01 55 38 18 00 Septembre 2005 REMPLACEMENT D UN ACCESSOIRE D UN DISPOSITIF MEDICAL Cher Client Medtronic Emergency Response Systems Medtronic ERS en accord avec l Agence Fran aise de S curit Sanitaire des Produits de Sant remplace volontairement vos anciennes versions de c bles de stimulation d fibrillation ECG th rapie QUIK COMBO et ou v |
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Free Joint Multi Air Conditioner
Contents PREPARATION m Safety Precautions ccssessscsessssseesesssseeesssssssesessessssseessessssssessasssseseesensseeeessnssessees 3 m Name of Each Part 8 m Remote Control Buttons and Display m Inserting the Remote Control Batteries m Getting Started OPERATION E Selecting ALCO MOJE Sasa iassasacicdscessasacsdscsnsssstaecasbsnssvaasusstesscatus osssusansieacnbcuabestcte 13 m Selecting Cool Mode m Selecting Heat Mode m Selecting Dry Mod |
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King Canada 8" Jointer KC-203C user manual
Service Manual Manuel de Service KING INDUSTRIAL 8 Jointer Degauchisseuse 8 Revised Revise 08 2008 Head Diagram Diagramme de la Tete KC 203C Service Manual Manuel de Service KING INDUSTRIAL 8 Jointer Degauchisseuse 8 Revised Revise 08 2008 Motor amp Cabinet Diagram KC 203C KING INDUSTRIAL Parts Pricing List Liste de Prix des Pieces KC 203C Diag Order Com |
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lubrication specifications universal joints
SPICER DRIVESHAFT LUBRICATION INTERVALS SERIES CITY ON HWY LINEHAUL ON OFF HWY Spicer 10 Series 5 000 8 000 mi 10 000 15 000 mi 10 000 15 000 mi 5 000 8 000 mi 1480 thru 1810 amp SPL 90 8 000 12 800 km 16 000 24 000 km 16 000 24 000 km 8 000 12 000 km Slip members also require or 3 Months or 3 Months or 3 Months or 3 Months lubrication whichever whichever whichever whichever comes first comes first comes first comes first Spicer Life S |
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CEFIC: Joint Submission Process in REACH
cefic REACH IT News Joint Submission Process JOINT SUBMISSION PROCESS in REACH IT To be able to submit a dossier as Lead Registrant or member of a joint submission JS the lead registrant has first to create a JS object in REACH IT Afterwards the member has to confirm his membership within this JS object prior to make dossier submission For an extensive explanation of each step here after described please refer to the ECHA Industry User Manuals 1 Link to t |
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Carepeutic® Knee and Joint Physiotherapy
Carepeutic Joint Relaxation Heated Vibration Massager Knee and Joint Physiotherapy Unit Instruction Manual Model KH317 This user manual provides both operation information of this product and its detailed specifications Please read this manual carefully and understand it thoroughly before operation Keep this manual for future reference Knee and Joint Physiotherapy Unit READ AND SAVE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Please read the following safety instructions care |
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1 User Manual Read and understand this manual before using machine 6 GRANITE JOINTER Model Number 40615 40625 STEEL TOOL WORKS VER 03 09 Manual Part No OR74493 THANK YOU for purchasing your new Steel City Jointer This jointer has been designed tested and inspected with you the customer in mind When properly used and maintained your jointer will provide you with years of trouble free service which is why it is backed by one of |
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6” stationary jointer with helical cutter head
User Manual Read and understand this manual before using machine 6 STATIONARY JOINTER WITH HELICAL CUTTER HEAD Model Number 40630CH 40630GH STEEL CITY TOOL WORKS VER 01 11 Manual Part No SC76070 THANK YOU for purchasing your new Steel City Planer This planer has been designed tested and inspected with you the customer in mind When properly used and maintained your planer will provide you with years of trouble free service which |
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King Canada 12" Industrial Jointer KC-125FX user manual
Service Manual Manuel de Service KING INDUSTRIAL 12 Industrial Jointer with Spiral Cutterhead Degauchisseuse Industrielle avec Tete de Coupe en Spirale 12 T B Revised Revise 08 2008 Cabinet amp Base Diagram KC 1 25FX 5 Diagramme du Cabinet et de la Base 10 220V 8 10A 550V ii KING INDUSTRIAL Service Manual Manuel de Service 12 Industrial Jointer with Spiral Cutterhead Degauchisseuse Ind |
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ARDIA HH PROPOSITION D UN SUJET DE STAGE Page 1 7 ARDIA AH Catalogue de stages d t Juillet Aout 2012 S A au Capital de 480 000 DT RC B2433052005 I F 925641WAM0000 Code en Douane 818911K Adresse Si ge Social P le Technologique El Ghazala Route de Raoued Km 3 5 BAT E1 R C Ariana Tunisie Adresse de correspondance P le Technologique El Ghazala BP 99 2088 T l 216 71 858 633 Fax 216 71 858 665 e mai |
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Idrojoint Eco Gum
L NEA CONSTRUCCI N Protectores e Impermeabilizantes para Reparaci n Hormig n 2 pen Idrojoint Eco Gum r 2a d joom Eco d Pasta soldadora de goma sint tica eco compatible impermeable de elevada t elasticidad id nea para el GreenBuilding Monocomponente respeta la salud de los usuarios Idrojoint Eco Gum es una pasta soldadora id nea para el sellado impermeable de juntas de dilataci n y deformaci n La elevada elasticidad e impermeabilidad de Idrojoint Eco Gum |
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JOINT PURCHASING MANUAL Government Units Reducing Costs Through Centralized Procurement Pat Quinn Governor State of Illinois ILLINOIS Department of Central Management Services James P Sledge Director TABLE OF CONTENTS STATE OF ILLINOIS JOINT PURCHASING CONTRACTS Emergency Services Maintenance Office Personal Use Safety Vehicles amp Parts SECTION 1 What is the Joint Purchasing Program What is a Joint Purchasing Entity Advantages Prerequisit |
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courrier ci-joint (03/07/2006)
Monsieur le directeur d tablissement Vous tes en possession d une ou plusieurs pompes acc l ratrices de perfusion TGV 600 de la marque Gamida Cette pompe est pr vue pour les hauts d bits en transfusion massive et s utilise au bloc op ratoire sous surveillance m dicale Nous souhaitons vous informer que quelques cas d emballement de la pompe TGV 600 en cours d utilisation nous ont t rapport s A la mise en route ou en cours d utilisation la pompe se met |
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