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CAVITY FILTER MOD 5 KW USER S MANUAL Release 1 0 Mod 5K W GENERAL DESCRIPTION FM double cavity filters made in quarter wave high Q with fixed coupling realized in aluminium with internal line in silvered brass and copper The resonant cavity filter is used to avoid intermodulation problems that can occur when several transmitters are located close one to another Installed between transmitter and antenna provide an output free from spurious and isolation |
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Gaggia Coffee Grinder Mod. MM Steel user manual
GAGGIA S p a si riserva i diritto di apportare futte te modifiche ntenute necessarie GAGGIA S p a reserves the right to carry out all modifications which might be considered necessary GAGGIA S p a hah das Recht aHe notwendigen Aenderungen durchzufuhren GAGGIA S p a se reserve le droit d apporter toute modification qui se rendnecessaire GAGGIA S p a se reserva e derecho de hacer toda modificacion que cree necesaria GAGGIA S p a behoudt zich het recht voor aHe nodig geac |
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HTC PAL User Manual Edition2 1.5 MB mod. 2007-04-30
HTC PAL User Manual Printing Historv Edition 1 Mav 2000 Software Version 2 0 Edition 2 April 2003 Software Version 2 0 The PAL Svstem mav be operated with another level of firmware Details of the current level are given with the leaflet Firmware Overview which is placed in the front of this binder CTC Analytics AG reserves the right to make improvements and or changes to the product described at any time without notice CTC Analytics AG makes no warranty of any kind |
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Mod. POCKET HP-24 User Manual Mod. POCKET HP
Mod HP 24 UTILIZZO DEL RIPRODUTTORE 14 Tasto funzione di cambio pista in avanti up 15 Tasto funzione di cambio pista indietro down 16 Led di segnalazione di accensione e spegnimento 17 Regolatore funzione alza volume abbassa volume 18 Presa per altoparlante esterno ey gt y Mod HP 24 USE OF THE APPLIANCE 14 Change track forward up 15 Change track backward down 16 Switch on off signal 17 Volume adjustment 18 Socket f |
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USER MANUAL FOR SUCTION UNIT MOD VACUTRON AS 120 AS 130 0051 ed March 2010 This suction unit is manufactured by ALSA Apparecchi Medicali Castel Maggiore Bologna Italy which is responsible for its functioning reliability and safety but only if the installation the additions the calibrations and the changes are performed by authorized people and if the usage takes place in an environment which complies with the IEC CEI regulations and in accordance with the instruc |
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User`s Manual for BT656Pro SDI Mod. Kit
User s Manual for BI656Pro SDI Mod Kit PMS Video Lid Doc No PMS UM0006 Rev 1 0 Last update 18 06 2004 1 Warning It is assumed that you have already fully understood the pin assignments of the MPEG decoder in your DVD player set top box and have the skill to do the modification PMS Video Ltd is not responsible for any damage caused during the modification 2 Introduction The BT656Pro SDI Mod Kit converts the standard parallel BT 656 digital video signal g |
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