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ADEP User Manual ADEP 1.0 User Manual Compiled
ADEP USER MANUAL ADEP 1 0 USER MANUAL COMPILED BY XIANSHUN CHEN INTELLISYS CENTER ST ENGINEERING SINGAPORE Overview Introduction This is a user manual about ADEP Algorithm Development Environment for Problem Solving ADEP is a Problem Solving Environment for configuring meta heuristics for solving real life combinatorial optimization problems it was developed to address the need for rapid generation of efficient algorithms that target the real life problems |
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Attention This user manual is written and compiled in
Attention This user manual is written and compiled in accordance with the council directive MDD93 42 EEC for medical devices and harmonized standards In case of modifications and software upgrades the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice The manufacturer makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose The manufacturer |
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READYTOFLYQUADS COM FLIP32 USER MANUAL COMPILED CREATED BY RCJOSEB 2014 UPDATED ON 08 11 2014 READYTOFLYQUADS COM FLIP32 USER MANUAL PURPOSE This user manual covers topics needed to setup your Flip 32 flight controller from ReadyToFlyQuads com All the pictures contained in this user manual except for company logos or trademarks were created by me and therefore may not be used elsewhere without prior permission This manual may not be posted on any other website |
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